Good Enough - Chapter 6

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Mick and I sat on the couch, reading Jane Eyre.  Well, he was reading at least.  I tried my best but I still wasn't grasping most of what I read.  I'd never tell him that though.  I'd just have to re-read it at home.  After a while, I'd had enough and put my book down and closed my eyes.  My head was starting to hurt more and I needed to rest.

As I laid my head back, I heard Mick stand up.  I opened my eyes and saw him grabbing the bag of ice.  "I'm going to get you some more.  Be right back."  I smiled and nodded then closed my eyes again. A few minutes later I felt him raise my head and press the ice pack on it.

"The bump isn't worse thank goodness.  I still feel really bad about it though.  I'm sorry Andie."

I looked at him and saw the regret in his eyes.  I nudged him with my shoulder and rolled my eyes.  "I already told you it's not a big deal.  I know you didn't mean to."

He laughed a little and said, "I know but it doesn't mean I still don't feel bad.  I've never actually caused an injury to a girl before."

I quirked one eyebrow at that.  "Well, apparently when they say, 'There's a first time for everything', it applied to me for you."

That made him laugh and he put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed a little.  "Yep, I guess so huh?  Too bad it wasn't Beth."

I burst out laughing at that and shoved him.  "That wasn't very nice Mr. Stanford.  Beth may be ridiculous but no one deserves to be dropped on their head!"

He winced at that.  "I can't believe I did that.  And believe me, Beth deserves a lot."

I silently agreed but didn't want to talk about Queen Beth at the moment.  Suddenly I wondered what time it was and looked at my phone.  "Holy cow it's already five thirty!"

"Do you need to go home or something?"  I didn't want to get my hopes up but I swear I heard disappointment in his voice.

"Well not quite but pretty soon.  Are you still able to take me home or should I call my dad?"

"No, I can still take you home.  I'd already planned to."

I felt relief at him saying that.  I was hoping he was still planning to.  That would give me a few extra minutes with him.

Just as I was setting my phone down beside me, I felt it vibrate.  I had a text.  I picked it up and looked at who it could be.  I didn't recognize the number so I opened it up and read the message:

I know u r with mick.  do not 4get what i told you.  he is mine!!

I sighed.  Queen Beth.  How did she get my number?  I closed my phone and put it in my pocket.  I was not going to worry about her threats.  Mick obviously hated her, she was so delusional.

"Everything okay?," Mick asked.

I smiled.  "Everything's perfect.  Except for my head of course."

He rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to him.  We sat there for a few minutes not saying anything.  He adjusted the ice pack on my head a few times and started threading his fingers through my hair.  The jolts his touch gave me were out of this world.  If only he were feeling them too.

As my eyes started drifting shut at the rhythm of his hand playing with my hair, I suddenly felt him touch my chin and turn my face toward him.  I opened my eyes to see what he was doing.  

He was staring at me intensely.  I felt a little nervous wondering what he was thinking.  I darted my eyes around, not wanting to look at his.  

"Andie, look at me," I heard him say.

I looked up at him and felt him move my hair back behind my shoulder.  He put the ice pack down and rubbed the back of my head.  He then moved his hand to the back of my neck and started pushing it toward him.  Was he going to kiss me?? I yelled in my head.  

As if answering my question, he started lowering his head toward me.  I closed my eyes in anticipation and hoped I didn't end up fainting in shock.  Just as his lips brushed mine, I felt something vibrate in his pocket.  His phone.  


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