Chapter One

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Chapter One- "I love meself some cheese balls!"


I jerk awake, and look around bleary eyed.

I forgot how comfy my couch is.


Eh, I'm not going anywhere.

I grab the remote and flick on Friends. I lean back, grinning.

This is the life! Only a week into summer and I've already done fuck all.

"EMILY ... I have food ..."

I jump to my feet, run towards the door into the hallway, trip over a pair of my dad's shoes, and crawl into the kitchen.

"I'M HERE!" I yell, and my mum winces.

"I'm right here, you didn't need to shout," Mum mutters.

I shrug, and sit down next to her.

"Where's the food?"

Mum pushes a plate of cookies towards me and I help myself.

"Why'd you need me?" I ask, fiddling with my hair.

Did I mention I dyed it again?


I love it!

"Planning your party, which is tomorrow!"

"Don't worry, I've planned it all!"

"Are you sure? Have you sent the invites, bought the food, party games, balloons, piñata, chosen a film and sorted out where your going for dinner?"

"I've sent the invites, Maya's staying over tonight, Hermione, Ron and Elinor are coming tomorrow morning at eleven, and we're picking Harry up at half ten. We're going to Burger King for dinner because the mini pancakes are bae. Maya's coming round in - what's the time?"

"Time you get a watch," Dad yells from his office.

"Ha, ha, ha!" I say sarcastically.

"It's quarter to twelve," Mum says.

"She'll be here in fifteen minutes so we can decide the movie and get the food and party shit."


"Sorry," I mutter.

"Now, tell me about your friends."

"Well, there's Hermione, who's really smart, and when you first meet her she comes off as bossy but when you get to know her she's really sweet. Harry is a huge drama queen, but has the biggest heart and isn't big-headed at all, surprisingly. Ron is a bit slow at times but he's really funny and he's ginger so he's awesome."

"Any boy you like?"

"Pffttttt, no!"

"Emily ..."

"There's a boy in my class, he's really funny and keeps blowing things up."

"What house?"

"Gryffindor. And he's Irish."

"What's this boy's name?"

"Seamus Finnigan," I say, grabbing my mum's drink and take a sip.

"Oh, they live a few blocks away.

I spit out my water, and gape at her.


"No, I just wanted to see your reaction," Mum laughs.

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