It Started With An Alright Scene - Chapter One

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We met quite often at that bridge. It was sort of the place we went to sulk together until we felt happy again. He brought the cigarettes and I brought the extra sweatshirt, since he never seemed to wear one of his own. It took a few weeks of getting too know each other before I finally asked if he wanted too meet somewhere other than the rickety old bridge. And he accepted.
Mikey Way was interesting, to say the least. He was calm and collected and he never seemed to be upset, even when he told me he was. He could hide his emotions like no other. I envied that about him. I learned these facts about him in the times we saw each other, whether at the bridge or at a restaurant.
He craved a cigarette every two and a half hours, roughly. And I joined him sometimes, but I didn't like to smoke too much. I guess my fathers bad example was the reason. Oh well.
We started out as acquaintances, and moved on to casual friends. We got closer, and something slipped out of his mouth that changed a few things. He was interested in men, or he had been in the past. That was good news for me, since I was as well. So we got a little closer, and our relationship turned a little romantic. We walked closer together and our hands were intertwined a few times.
On our third "date", I asked if I could kiss him, and he flushed a cherry color before he smiled. I had only seen that smile on rare occasions, like when I made a joke or he talked about something he liked. We had been sitting in the car, and I got out to open his door before I led him up his driveway. I looked down at him and he took a small step closer. We waited, just looking into each other's eyes for a moment. He quickly pulled himself up and pressed his lips against mine, and my hands went to his sides.
The kiss was short and sweet, but it left us both smiling before we parted.
I asked him on another date later that week. He held my hand a lot more often, and I walked with my arm around his waist down the bridge. The bridge was no longer a place to sulk, but a place we both loved to be. It was our place.
It was the meeting after the first date after the kiss that he asked if he could take some of the sweatshirts I brought him, home.
Our meetings and dates usually started the same way, with a smoke and him telling me about the events of the days previous. Then I gave him a little advice and a kiss on the cheek or forehead, and we went in to wherever we were going that night. We would sit, and there would be a comfortable silence, but I would break it and things would go all sorts of different directions. This time, I didn't like the route it chose.
"I'm leaving town in two days." He told me, swirling his lemon in his water. He seemed less calm than usual, and he didn't make eye contact, which signaled he was upset about leaving.
"Why?" I asked him, my mood changing completely.
He just shrugged and sat up further. "My brother isn't happy here anymore, and he's my only means of a roof over my head and my only means of family. So I'm going with him."
"Where are you going?"
"Upstate New York."
"Will you be back?"
He just shrugged his shoulders.
Well, there goes my proof that I wasn't lonely. I felt like the biggest part of my life was leaving, and in all honesty it was. Mikey was the most important part of my life right now, and now I would have to go back to sulking by myself and bumming cigarettes of people, sitting alone when I go out and feeling cold and lonely when I stay in.
I helped him pack the last few things on the morning he was leaving. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted to ask him to stay with me, but we had only known each other for a short amount of time. I felt like I would be pushing things too quickly.
"Mikey?" I whispered when we were putting the last things in his brothers car, "Are we- can we still be a sort of couple? I know we won't be able to meet easily, but we can video chat and call each other, and we could make it work." I offered.
He avoided eye contact again. I should have just kept my mouth shut.
"I mean, I know you might not want to be committed to someone at the moment, but I was just wonder-"
"I would really like that." He said, interrupting me. His cheeks were a rosy color again, and a faint hint of a smile was playing on his lips. His lips. His beautiful lips.
Those lips were on mine in a second, and my own were reacting in the same way. I kissed him back, and tucked my hands under his jacket.
When I broke the kiss, I looked down at him and shrugged. "You really want to be in a real, serious relationship with me?" I asked him, and he nodded.
I was going to kiss him again, but his brother walked out the door. I think his name was Jared or something, but I wasn't sure. "Mikes, we are leaving. I can't be late." He said.
I just sighed and looked down. "I guess this is goodbye." I whispered to Mikey, taking his hands in mine. "I- Can you call me? You know, when you get there?" I asked, giving a hopeful look.
"I will." He said, before kissing me again. I loved his lips.
"Bye." He muttered, stepping back and reaching for the handle of his door.
And within the next two minutes, he was gone.

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