Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Burning Dirty Gas Won't Get You That Far.

"I was told I had to go!" I put on my best mask of artificial emotions and prepared to win myself an Oscar. "Please mom, you have to believe your own son over some school!"
I'm so great at this I-

"Is that why it was so easy for you to 'open up'? It says here that you told your counselor that you feel 'empty' and 'worthless'." She shook the letter in front of me. I won't lie, that letter is doing a pretty spot on impression of me right now.

My mouth opened and closed; mimicking a very unattractive fish. Who the fuck outed me?

Silence impregnated the heavy air. Everytime I caught her looking through the letter my chest tightened. I had no idea what was in there, she could be reading anything.

You're lucky she doesn't know the things about you that I do.

Now is NOT the time, brain.

Alright, but you're on your own.

That's how it always was. Try again.

"Where do you get all of this from?" She scoffed sourly, shuffling through papers.

My dry mouth refused to open. As my lips unsealed and my tounge ripped from the roof of my mouth, it felt like swallowing sandpaper.
"What do you mean?"

Ignoring the very nosy Mikey peering into the kitchen, my mother went for another stab at me. Like, what the Hell?!

"Where are you getting all of this... this... baloney!" Ah, yes; the child friendly swears. "You're 'empty' and you think you're an 'outcast'? We both know you're fine. Is this something for attention? Is this some kind of trend with kids your age?"

Is... is she laughing at me?

My nails burrowed into my palms as I clenched my fists; like a rat burrowing into its hole. "No, you're completely wrong. I'm 17 and I do have valid thoughts and feelings-"

She's still laughing.

"Face it, Gee. You're still a kid. You're not an adult, quit acting like one just because you learned a few big words on the internet." This logic is starting to become horrifying. "Is this where you're getting all this nonsense though?"

Whoop, there it is.

A sea of panic and discomfort swelled and crashed around in my chest, drowning the little boats of good feelings that were already breaking. How dare she blame her bad parenting on the one thing I enjoy in life?

Alarm bells went off in my head, but I still stood there: silent.

"I think we're going to have to cut off your internet privileges." She decided triumphantly.

Oh God, no.
I didn't wait for her to say anything, I just ran into my room.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath as I sealed the lock on my door and pounced into my spinny desk chair.

Where do I start? Okay, clearing my history would be a good option.

My fingers raced frantically along my keyboard, typing desperate goodbye letters to all my social media followers.

"Even if I am allowed internet again one day," My shaky hands and tear blurred eyes threatened to misspell everything beyond comprehension yet I knew the keyboard well enough to finish my parting post. "I don't think I'll be back anyways...."

"What the FUCK is your problem?" I don't care who hears me. I want answers. "You're a student counselor, not a goddamn social service worker!"

My yelling and crying went unnoticed as Bert shuffled his papers, as if I wasn't there.

That's it, he's crossed the line. "LISTEN TO ME YOU SICKO!"

Finally, he looks up. Too calmly for my liking- but a reaction nevertheless. With folded hands on the desk and a posture representative of someone with a cactus lodged up their ass, he graces me with his input.
"I just thought your 'mommy' should know about how you feel. Maybe then you'll stop bitching to me."

I could see through his bullshit with eyes closed. "This... this is blackmail, isn't it?" My voice lowered substantially.

He leaned back in his stupid teacher chair with at his stupid teacher desk and his stupid ass face. "Hey, don't put words in my mouth. I'm just trying to help, Gee-Gee."

"What..." I sighed, cringing internally. "What will it cost to convince my mom that I'm not an attention whore or something?"

Sliding forward, he rested his head in his hands- elbows propping him up on the desk- to look at me with vicious, playful, taunting eyes. "You want me to lie to her? Oh Gee-Gee, it would take a lot to convince me to do such a horrible thing!"

I'm not really the menacing type, but I'll sure as Hell try. My hands gripped at the edge of his desk as I leaned in to snarl in his face.
"First of all, stop with the nickname. That's not yours to use. Secondly, what kind of counselor are you?!"

"I'm the kind that gets shit done." Smiley McDouchebag smirked up at me. "You wanted to get your feelings out in the open, I did just that. You wanted to change your relationship with your mom, I gave you that oppertunity. You should be thanking me."

Thanking him? Don't make me vomit. "Listen, let's just fix this and I'll be out of your hair for good." I pleaded. Damn, this is more than I bargained for.

"Gee-Gee the sellout!" The little devil on my shoulder sang. Piss off, man. I'm already dealing with one Bert, I don't need two.

"Hmm well, I may have a few ideas..." His voice was too warm for someone so cold. Literally, I could feel the cold radiating off of him. Wait... what the Hell?

My eyes scoured him until I made the disturbing connection that...
His hand was on mine.

A/N: Yes, I know there's no sign of Frank yet. Just wait, m8. He's coming ° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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