08-25-15: A Bit Brighter

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Alright so I remember when I told you guys I was dating my friend Japan?

Well the the last two weeks of school I didn't see him.

He went to alternative school.

I was gonna break up with him cause stuff though but couldn't.

Well, Sandra and I saw him today and we hugged. I missed him so much!

Ermahgawsh. we are just friends now and he is my lil bro and Sandra's XD

He and her look so cool. Everyone looks so cool and I'm the same person

XD I shouldve gotten my highlights last time XD But I guess christmas time or my birthday

In pre-ap English we had a project today and we had to make a circle and in the circle we would draw 6 things that represent us so I finished it earlier after school in Mrs.Carrolls cooking class. (Multimedia)

Isabella will go with me tomorrow to boys and girls club yay!

But yeah and I talked with Mrs.Carrol and she is awesome.

I didn't know her toooooo well last year but she is awesome. I have her in 2nd period. ^.^

And I know for sure since I have her for first semester and and Library aide for that, second semester I will have Tech Apps and Health. ^.^

But yeah that's it not much.


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