09-04-15: Picture Day Is The Only Day You Care About Your Looks

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Today was picture day.

Our pictures where supposed to be put into the yearbook and since I got money I'll be getting little pics of them later on.

We also get our ID's soon.

But you know, I just realized that Picture Day is pretty much one of the only day that I care about how I look.

Because yearbooks are forever and one mistake and you've done-goofed yourself.

And all know is, is that I done-goofed my last two years of middle school.


People kept saying they liked my hair, since it was waved-spiked-straightened.

But yeah.

And then two people kept calling me adorable, KAWAII and Emo. T^T

That's last one I don't get. Is it because
My hair is always parted on my forehead?

Because that's not EMO.

EMO means emotional.

Mehhhh Grammer Nazi.

That's me.

But yeah.

In 2nd period I practically felt Alittle down and upset because we watched this thing called "Terrible Things My Mother Told Me" and when Julia and her mom argued I felt it because It was what was with me.

But all that stuff is personal.

But I related to a lot of it and felt down.

I'm hoping my picture will be better than the last two Suckish pics I had in the year book. (I'll put pics in the multimedia)

Alissa, Kaitlyn and I had our chairs test today In orchestra.

Kaitlyn got 1st Violin.

Alissa and I were moved to Violin 2.

XD Alissa was mad.

It was funny though.

But yeah.

And yesterday Pantera told me about how she is playing the Cello now!

So proud and happy for her!

I talked to Mrs.McMillian about it and it was pretty cool.

She told me Pantera is a fast learner- it's true- and she already mastered the birthday song!

So cool!

Go Pantera!

Keep up the good work!

I woke up at 5:30 am today though and got ready within ten minutes.

It took my mom 40 minutes to finish her stuff and then she did my hair and I left to school at 7:40

10 minutes before Id be late.

But I actually made it.

Sandra was in a bad mood today because of some boy so at lunch in Mrs.Donalds she sat alone at a different ravel.

I went up to her and she wanted to be alone but I went "Too bad I'm already here."

I have her my Starbucks Expresso and cheese and stuff and we just sat and talked.

I let her borrow my IPod for the last two classes she was having too.

The others didn't pay attention to Sandra tho. :/ eh.

But whatever.

And later on I went to boys and girls club with ISSY and Demi and I saw Mr.Rizo and Yelled "MR GRUMPY GILLSSS!"

He looked at me and just waved.

I think he is with the football team.


Go Mr.Rizo! XD

But yeah.

I'm thinking of switching my 7th period (Mrs.Valdez, math) to Mr.Rizo's math.

So yeah.

And Isabella and I role played in her journals and did a drawing contest, in which Demetri destroyed everything.

And the "I Miss Janae ^.^" thing was erased. T^T Ehhhhhhhhhh

So that's about it....


Peace Out Mashins~


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