09-17-15: The Badass Teenage Reject Tomboy of 2015 And Ketchup Songs

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I've been busy the past two days and I've had some very serious bad major family issues that caused me to do something really bad.

It was a serious family issue that drove certain people to limits of letting hell pour in like a wave knocking over a surfer.

That bad.

This morning I was pretty upset about it.

Kaitlyn and I were talking and ranting to eachother about our issues and stuff. Megan and Victoria joined in as well.

Then all of the others started coming too.

Anna was making Damien's hair green with hair color powder stuff on his orange bangs.

I sat down and waited for Ethan Senpai and he was listening to music.

I was pissed off easily. Small things triggered it, like when Demetri always asked if I was ok.

He asks me everyday and I snapped because I was in a bad mood.

Samantha and I took selfies in baking class while in the computer class.

After school I had a he of fun with Isabella though.

Isabella and I- mostly Isabella- did something and today...

Let's Just say we were being slick and Total badasses XD

Isabella and I danced in baking to the Ketchup song and recorded it from behind us.

After, we watched it and laughed at our asses and how we both couldn't dance and failed.

During lunch earlier that day, I was looking at Mrs.Donalds pictures of the 8th graders of 2015.

Regan and I found Kira-Kun, Jordan, Deja, Madison, Aiden, Zoey, Elijah, Destiny.

Wehhhhhhhh so many people we miss.

T^T Ehhhhhhhhhhh

In 1st period Ethan continuously wrote with sharpie on my arm his rules for me. And people read them.

I told Mr.Reinaas another corny joke today about Mozart.

Ehhhh the memories of my dad's old "Corny Joke Book" is kicking in.

First the bad puns and now this.

I need to find that corny joke book tho.... XD

My friend Ethan and I are doing a project in science class and we chose a scientist named ERWIN XDDDDD (AOT MOMENT XD)

We were working on it on skype.
He's doing the model and I'm doing the research.

Ehhh speaking of which,

A lot of people keep shipping us together. We are just senpaiiiiisss.

Ehhh =^=

He is my guardian Angel. XD

He's my supermannnnnnn dun dun dun dunnnn

What he wrote on my arms (pics in multimedia too):

Rule 1: Don't let Maria tell jokes
Rule 2: Don't let Maria be late to class
Rule 3: make her sad and then I'll kill a b****

I love rule 3 the most XD

And he tried to draw a dick on my shoulder XD Gahhhhhhhhh

During a lab of subatomic particles, Seraphina and I finished quick and easy and at our last station we kept saying our answers in deep voices loudly. "ALUMMMMINNIIUUMMMM" XD

And I kept going "I got one question for you" today.

I didn't ask "What are those?" I asked other questions.

Kaitlyn and I were in the orchestra practice room and we saw a cricket. She flipped out and I picked it up. She ran outing the room after and I left the class and went outside to the patio and let the cricket go.

Of course I washed my hands after. XD

ButI kept going up to Kaitlyn like "Cricket hands oooo~" and she'd want to punch me and run away from me XD

But yeah that's about it.


And I found out my elementary friend, Stacie (she's in 8th with me) has had a Wattpad for a while now.


Check her out! She's pretty cool! She loves bands and watches a little bit of anime, and she's fun to talk to!

Peace Out Mashins~!


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