10-02-15: BFTTE Rejection & Coffee Candies

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Some more rejection. :/

Sandra got rejected by someone, Our friend Nick broke up with our friend Kaitlyn and he started calling her names.

My friend ***** (Dun wanna say his name. :) ) was rejected by his crush (;-;)

And then... *Sighs*

Kenyala finally got up the courage to ask her crush out ....and got rejected.

She was so upset.

I didn't find out till the end of 6th period.

Seraphina, Anna, Ethan and I had a group hug.

Ethan mentioned something to me about hugging Kenyala in lasts class and I asked if she was ok, but he went off to class.

I got worried and then asked Sonji and Sonji was confused and told me worriedly that she thinks she was crying because she got rejected.

As so as I heard that I ran down the hall to Mrs.Valdez's class, dropped my stuff off and ran down the stairs to the A hallway and went to baking and ran to Kenyala.

She was so upset. Savannah and Demetri were asking her what was wrong and everything and I hugged her tightly.

Poor Kenyala. : (

And in our journal we were planning out when she was gonna ask him out and we had so much hope.

I told her at least they'd still be friends but she didn't know.

She wants me to ask him if they are still friends.

I hope so...I'll have to find him on Monday and ask him.

Kenyala better expect me to bring her a bag of Coffee Candies on Monday in the morning!

It's not because she got rejected, no of course not.

It's because she finally faced her fear, and went to ask him out herself. She conquered that fear and was very brave, because let's face it:

A lot of people who have crushes don't have the guts to confess. And some of us can't even ask for extra ketchup at McDonalds (1% Right here ;-;).

And if they actually confess they become total pussies (*Lights on Masha*).

So in a way I'm proud of Kenyala of doing this.

Of course I'm not happy she got rejected but she was brave enough to try and that is a good thing.

She's like an idol for the scared ones.

Lol but it's true.

If she reads this, I hope she knows that I'm proud of her.

I wrote her a card on Friday about it but I couldn't find her sister in the hall to give it to her.

So I just stapled it to our journal.

And one more rejection-moment happened:

My math class work is being a rejectonator. (Hah)

I got a 55 on my test but I did corrections and right now I have my retake and I started working on it and it's easy AF.

I don't get it.

At school in 7th period it's confusing but when in at home relaxing, I can accomplish it.

What Even.

What is life?

Peace Out Mashins~


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