11-17-16: Orchestra Concert And Hacked...?

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Hey guys...

Yeah it's been a while...

I decided to update today since I had a concert....

I don't know when I'll update again next....

Maybe Thanksgiving....

My concert was ok.

I'll tell you all about it after one thing:

Somehow my Kik got hacked.

Or logged into by someone else for that matter....

My Kik has been a douche lately and glitching the duck out and so I went online and checked my settings...the picture is changed and it says all these kind of hack names...its fucking weird....*Sighs* I guess I'll have to deal with it. Just like having to deal with a lot of shit I already do....

So yeah....Its like my only resource to human life (fuck the real world). And IMessages and Skype but they are also deciding to be douches-
And The song "Say Something" is literally on nice- ehhhhh.

*Sighs* Anyways, Lets get to the Orchestra concert:

So my day was ok....I thought I was gonna be embarrassed and somehow have a bad days always....

So apparently I didn't...up until 4th period when I felt a bit embarrassed and stuff....some kid called me out and said stuff of how I was this and that to the teachers and stood all silent as he told them off.....

5th period was eh...I say and tried to
Listen to music to feel a bit better but somehow my IPod was dead....lucky me...So I drew pictures in my sketchbook lazily and was gonna go to sleep....

And skipping to after school, I got my instrument and Isabella and I practiced in the practice room and then we went out onto the patio to see Pantera and Josh and Anna and so others who were in 6th grade and we all hung out and recorded stuff and took pictures.

So my day went alittle easier.

And then we went inside and stuff. I saw Sandra and went "OH MY GOD IS THAT SANDRA?" All surprisingly on purpose. And then I saw someone next to her. A few seconds later I realized who it was and screamed high and ran to them.

Who was it?


She had her Pokemon jacket on.

So my day was a bit better.

We recorded stuff and made her another YouTube vlog and stuff in which I'll have to try and send her again and stuff.

When it came time to play for advanced we went up and I sat and tried playing my violin only to see the shoulder rest had fallen off.


And then I played without it and got a mark on my neck....hopefully it didn't look like a hickey.....it was the metal from the violin side.

After I went to find my shoulder rest and finally Alissa found it.

And then Sandra was leaving so I hugged her bye.

She waited earlier for Danny he bf....but he didn't show up for the fourth time to something Sandra wanted him at. He said he'd try but never did....so she wasn't in a good mood.........;-;

And we looked for him and stuff but didn't see him. Eh.

And then she went home and then Alissa walked with me down the hall and left and then Josh and I walked down the hall and walked outside and went our separate ways.

My dad and I left from the concert and went home to where I am now, only to see everything is a douche and I was hacked.

And I am my hungry strangely as every concert I go to is the same.

But yeah.

And later I might get a sonic milkshake before my dad goes idk....


I deserve one.....*Shrugs*

My memory actually got a tad by better as well....barely though......

And my mom thinks that by Christmas if I get my IPod back then it'll help....


And I'm still using it now.

Yesterday I finished The Giver and the ending sucked ASS.


I was like "Screw it!"

But yeah so now I'm sitting her on my IPod about to write in my Emotion Journal to keep everything under wraps.

And sadly it's getting me stressed for some reason even more....idk....

Like I've become a bit mean and aggressive to people....I'm just so frustrated and I can't trust anyone to tell anything to anymore so I sit an write it in that journal but it still tampers with my mind.

I mean, I text Scenery yeah but...idkI mean I just feel like- well- idk- just- *Sighs* I feel like if we talked face to face it would be better...because then I can actually express my feelings and explode all my worries out...


And that was my day....

How was your days?

Let me know.

If you want to let me know you can Inbox me on Wattpad because apparently whatever the I know is wrong with my other stuff....

So yeah....



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