I was sitting in my cage, they called a kennel, trying to plan an escape. I have always hated pounds, and since I fell asleep when I was wolfed out, I am now in one. I wanted to escape. Not be adopted or put down, both sound horrid. Whenever somebody walked by, I normally hid towards the back of my prison cell. I haven't eaten in two days. I refuse to eat dog food.
Anyways, here I am, sitting in my prison thinking. Today, I would get out. I could feel it. I don't know how, but I do. I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice the four boys that had walked in. "Look Ash! That one is so calm! Can we get her? Please?" An Australian accent begged. A finger pointing at me. I backed up and released a small whimper.
"It's okay girl, we won't hurt you." Someone cooed. A male crouched down and smiled at me. He had green eyes and red/black hair.
A blue eyed blonde crouched down besides him and pokes a finger in. I cautiously sniff it and then give it a small lick, telling him he is okay. He grins up towards somebody behind him. "This is the one Ash. She is the one."
~Time skip brought to you by Perry the platypus.~
"And this is our home!" The browned eyed guy, who I haved learned is Calum, exclaimed as we walked in. I wagged my tail slightly as they unclipped the leash. Luke, Michael, and Calum helped Ashton set up an area where I had a fluffy dog bed, a water dish, and a food bowl. On the bed, there was a plush penguin, a plush pony from My Little Pony, a teddy bear, and a rubber stick that looked like a drum stick. On a shelf nearby, there was a box that I watched them put a couple bandanas, a couple different collars, a couple dog hats, and the leash, plus several other acessories.
I trotted over to the bed and flopped onto it, snuggling into the plushes. I hugged the penguin with my paws and I used the bear as a pillow. The pony was on my side. They all cooed and a light flashed, signaling a picture they took of me.
The four flopped onto the couch in front of a TV and they turned it on. "Here girl." Ash called. I grabbed my penguin and trotted over. He patted the small empty space on the couch and I hopped up onto it. I sprawled across the boys and they laughed. Ash pulls out his phone and holds it into the air, taking a selfie of the five of us.
I watch him open up Twitter and post the picture, with a message. This is the newest addition to the 5SOS fam. Here is Y/N. Our mix breed dog.
I laugh at him thinking I'm a dog, not knowing I'm a wolf. It comes out as a purring sound and the boys chuckle.
After about they are almost finished watching a movie, they all pass out. I knew this was my chance to escape. I can always talk to the boys again, I know their address, but it won't be the same. Sighing, I transform to human and find a plastic bag in the kitchen. I stuff the plushes and a bandana into the bag and start out the front door.
Once I'm outside, I run. I run as fast as I can, back towards my apartment and away from the four boys that accepted me into their family so quickly and showed me much affection in the couple hours I was with them.
I fell hard for them, and I haven't even known them for over twenty four hours. How cheesy is that? But I couldn't stay canine forever. I couldn't eat dog food for the rest of my life. I knew I would mess something up if I stayed with them and they would find out my secret.
If I stayed, other werewolves and vampires would find them and hurt them. I couldn't let them get hurt. They are a famous band, they can't be hurt. I loved them and wouldn't let them get hurt because I let my emotions get the best of me and stay with them.I loved them.
And that's exactly why I had to run.