"Hey girl! We have to go to One Directions house for a couple days. They wanted to spend some quality time with us, but said we could bring you too! Want to come with or do you want to stay behind with a petsitter or something?" Ash explains. I think about it for a minute, realizing that going with them, could mean I could slip up. I could probably trick them into letting a member of my pack be the "sitter."
"So, what do you say? Are you staying behind?" Mikey asks. I nod my large wolf head. Calum's shoulders sink. "Okay. We'll find a sitter right now."
I watch them pull out the phone book. I quickly write down a message with a pen in my mouth and the paper I kept underneath the table. When finished, I jumped up, setting the number onto the table.
"Oh, this one?" Ash asks, thinking one of the boys did it. "Okay. Lets call... um, Emma then."
Calum nodded and pulled out his cell, dialling the number. It rang for a minute, the somebody picked up. "Hello? Is this Emma?" He asked. "Oh, okay. I'm Calum. We wanted to know if you could possibly watch our large dog while we were away." He paused, waiting for her response. I sent a quick message through the mind link, letting her know that she needed to say yes. What have you gotten yourself into this time Y/N? She asked.
"Yes? Thank you! We are leaving in two days. You start then. Thanks again! Bye." Calum hung up. "So, Emma is going to watch Y/N while we are gone."
~Two days later because I'm lazy~
"Bye Y/N, see you when we come back here in two days! Love you!" Mikey shouted. The last part made my heart flutter, and I gave them a doggy smile. They all pile into the van and drive towards the airport.
Emma walked back in the house and I followed her. She sat on the couch and I transformed back. "Seriously Y/N?" She questioned. "How in the Hades did you get yourself into this situation?!"
"I'm sorry I feel asleep after a long night of hunting with the pack. I got took to the pound, the boys got me out, I ran away, almost got taken back to the pound and now we're here." I explain.
"You do know that Emily is going to be really upset. This is her favorite band, and she know's their secret." Emma pointed out. Emma is the female Beta. Second in command. Wing wolf to the Luna, Emily. Our Delta is Candice and our lead huntress is Maria. I'm a scout. Wait...
"What secret!?" I exclaim.
"Im not permitted to tell you. They don't even know, so yeah. Oh, can we have some of the others come over. Or do you want to go back to the apartments?" She asked, standing up.
"Invite a couple over. Only a few people. They are back in two days, I don't want to have to completely clean this place up if we have to many people over and they trash it." "Okay, calling them now." She dialed up somebody. "Hey, Emily? Yeah, Y/N is here, she said we could bring over a couple. Bring Candice, Maria, and Autumn. See you in a few. Kay, bye." She hung up.
"You invited the three wolves in our pack, that have more authority, and love this band to their house! I'm gonna get busted!" I exclaim.
"Yup. They will be here in ten minutes." She layed back onto the couch. The Luna of our pack is going to be at the place I now call home, and she is not going to be happy.