The second I smelt the irresistible scent of my mate, I took off running, straight out the door. I couldn't help it. I can't be stuck with somebody thats one of the boys. I love the four of them to the ends of the Earth.
Ash. A bucket of laughs every five seconds. His dimples, hus hair, his eyes.
Calum. He always knows how to make me smile. He is just a cutie and he's awesome.
Mikey. Always changing his hair color. He tries to be punk rock, but ends up being to flipping cute instead.
And finally, there's Luke. I'm positive that Luke is the most amazing human on this flipping planet. His smile is adorable. His eyes are amazing. Don't even get me started on his voice.
But my favorite part about all of them is that they just are themselves. A bunch of dorks that I love.
So when I saw that Cal, Ash, and Mikey all had mates. I figured Luke did too. Then here came mine and I don't think I'll be able to love him as much as any of the boys, especially Luke. That's why I ran.
I raced down the sidewalks of the dark streets, only a couple flickering street lights, allowing me to navigate my path good enough.
"Y/N! Y/N, wait up!" A deep voice called from behind.
I glanced back and saw Luke. "Lucas?" I questioned as I slowed to walk next to him. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back at the house with your mate?"
"Um... that's why I followed you out here. I can't be mated with anybody in that house." He stated.
"Why?" I asked, stopping.
"Because, I'm in love with you." He barely mananged to get out. "I want to be with you, not somebody I don't know. I love your hair, the way your eyes sparkle in the moonlight. The way you smile. I don't know if you feel the same. If you dont, then I'll go and be with my mate."
I was frozen. What could I say? He took my silence as his answer. "Okay. I guess I'll see you back home then." And he began to walk away, head down and a slump in his shoulders.
"That's exactly why I ran from the party. I'm in love with you." I forced out.
"What?" He asked. A large grin spread across his face. He ran up and embraced me in a tight hug, spinning me around.
Suddenly something began to happen. A mist came up and off of the ground. It surrounded us and then poof. It was gone. Now, I smelled again. I could now smell a new, and more amazing smell. It was radiating off of Luke. "What happened?" He asked.
"The great Luna decided to change our mates, due to our proven love and affection towards each other." I mumbled. "Luke. You're my mate."A/N: Well guys, this is it. My last chapter on this book. Thank you so much guys for reading it and commenting and voting. I'll post a separate page later with all of the people I would like to shout out as well.
Much love to all of you. You helped my one shot become much more. And to think, I started this in late August!
Sorry about this being late, but I've been so busy. Today was my first free day. And seven days till the new stories are released!! I will do another reader insert in the future, but that's if you guys would like me to. Well, I have to go and find food. So thank you guys so much! I love each and every one of you amazing beautiful people!
Thanks again!