Part One :: A Delivery

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"Ah, what's this?"

A large, white, (very much ducktaped) package about the size of Itsuo's whole body sat on his front porch. He could see some people walking by who looked at the box oddly, but that's not a surprise considering the only time packages come is usually Christmas.

The town which Itsuo lived in at the time was extremely small. And, when I say extremely small, that means that only about a hundred people live in it. And technically speaking, soon there'd be only 80, considering three families were about to move out (the town was just too small for them sadly).

Itsuo carefully peeked around the sides of the box, looking for a tag or sticker of some sort that would give him some info on what it was. On the exact opposite side of it, was a large black sticker containing Japanese writing.

Now, Itsuo lived in the US, but he was originally from Japan. So, therefore, he could read it quite well.

"Well, that's different" he said. 

"Maybe a package from family?"

He grabbed the box by the sides and attempted to move it into his house. Oddly though (but not so much), it was very heavy. He panted as he gently slid the large white box into his small entryway and shut the door.

Not much was in his entryway other than a closet for some coats and some shoes, but you could see the living room quite clearly considering it was connected to it, and the side porch.

He continued sliding it into the living room and set it standing in front of his couch.

"Well, I guess it's time to open this thing. But, maybe I should read the sticker first..."

He turned the box around and leaned down to read the description.

私たちはこのTEST AIあなたをさせていただきたいと思い、そのためMOCHA Inc.の助けあなたの素晴らしい時間をありがとうございました、と私たちは、あなたが開封後はすぐにご連絡いただければ幸いです。 ありがとう。

It then showed a phone number at the bottom.

"Wait, what?!" He read it again.

Well, he thought (he usually thinks instead of talks when something seems important to him), this isn't very good Japanese, but I guess that company gave me a test AI...

He stood up.

I didn't think they'd actually ever complete it... even the test version... but why would they have me try it out first it?

He stood in front of the box for a few minutes, deciding what to do.

If this was a test AI, it would probably be somewhat dangerous.

That has to be the reason they sent it all the way over here, he thought.

Then, after a few more minutes, he started to clean his house.

Now, you may think that's an odd thing to do considering he just received an actual AI in the mail, but if this was a supposedly dangerous test version, then he'd want to make sure it didn't break anything at least.

After rearranging some furniture, putting away breakables, and doing a general clean up, he went and got a knife from a drawer in the kitchen. Going back to the box, he started to cut the duck tape.

After about an hour (that's literally how well it was duck taped), he finally started to open the top of the box.

And remove packing peanuts.

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