Part Two :: The Opening

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As Itsuo opened the top panels of the box, he gasped.

Inside, was another box, with a large manual on the top.

He exhaled deeply. Well, that wasn't what I expected, he thought.

He took out the manual and set it on his nearby coffee table. Then, he decided he should probably look at the manual before the AI.

Opening the manual, planning to find the table of contents, he first came upon a warning page.



Again, not very good Japanese.

He translated it as:

Please read this manual first! If you do not, it can cause major harm! Please be careful! This is not a toy!

Keep away from children.

He continued on to the table of contents. It had just about a million topics, but thankfully, the first one (other than being careful) was "Turning On Your AI"

He flipped to the page and began to read. After a few minutes (around thirty actually) he shut the book. 

"Well," he said "It seems that this is going to be alot more complicated then I thought."

Going back to the box, he carefully took out the inner box and got his knife ready to cut the tape off.

Suddenly the box started to shake.

Not knowing what to do, Itsuo stood there for a minute just looking frightened, and then finally started to drag the, now shaking, box into a closet near the couch. Opening the closet, he gasped at a large amount of random things he had stuffed in it earlier when he was cleaning up. He quickly tossed it all outside of the closet onto the living room floor, and shoved the box inside the closet, slamming the door.

The box (soon to be AI) definitely didn't seem happy. Even the closet door was rattling, from the now VERY much shaking box.

Itsuo quickly ran to his phone in the kitchen, and dialed a number.

'hello?' someone answered.  It was a mans voice.

"Charles, I need help! I -" he looked towards the shaking door, "- I can't explain. Just get over here quick! And bring something that you think could knock out... well, a robot for example. Bye!"

He hung up the phone and ran to the living room. Grasping the couch, he started to slide it toward the closet, pushing it against the door. Then, just for affect, he grabbed some chairs and pillows and tossed them on top.

The closet continued to shake, though it at least wasn't as noticeable.

Then the door bell rang.

Wow, Itsuo thought, Charles sure got here quick.

Running to the door, he opened it.

A young, teenage mail carrier stood on the porch.

"Hello sir," he said. "I believe I have a delivery for a man named Itsuo?"

Itsuo made a confused expression. "I already got enough packages today, but what is it?"

Keeping an ear out for the door, he observed the small package the mail carrier handed him.

On it, it said:

Fore mister Itsuuo ~


Well, he thought, now they have bad english...

Then he noticed there was no longer rattling. He sighed deeply.

Sounds like it stopped, he thought.

"Yes, this package is for me. Is there anything I need to sign?"

Startled, the mail carrier quickly replied, "Oh, yeah. That's right... right here's the papers you need to sign"

He lifted out from his bag a clipboard. "This is the only page you need to sign actually. Just write your name in this three spots" he said pointing to some blank areas.

ahh, thought Itsuo, I love signing these things...

He took the pen that the carrier handed to him and briskly wrote,


Itsuo smiled. "Sorry, I still don't know how to write in eng-"

"Excuse me, that information is invalid according to information protocols." Said a small voice from behind them.

They both looked into the entry way.

And there stood a young, pale girl.


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