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The first few days, Evie refused all solid foods and only drunk the supplement drinks, she would have refused all of that too but the doctors decided not to let her choose whether to have he NG tube or not, she had to have it if she refused the drinks again.

After the first few days of having nothing but these sickly, milky drinks. At lunch time, she threw up, all of the drink. Into one of those little cardboard hospital sick bowls.

Every 5 minutes she threw up a bit more until there was nothing else to come.

She started crying again, not only was she throwing up. But she was invited to a party on that day, if she was home she would have gone to it, but instead she was sat in a hospital bed, vomiting.

Afterwards, she lied there in her bed, and a smile escaped from her lips.
At least, I threw up all of the calories from lunch!
She thought to herself.

After that she decided to stick to eating the good instead, because although it meant that she didn't consume all of the calories, it wasn't a very nice experience.

There was another girl in the hospital with her in for anorexia as well, she was called Chloe, according to the nurses that she asked. They weren't aloud to talk to each other as the doctors thought that they might 'support' eachother e.g. 'If you don't eat, I don't eat'. But every time they saw each other in the dinner que, they smiled at each other.

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