Screw It

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Juliet's Pov

So being 16 I'm now legally allowed to have sex- but that's not on the top of my things to do, it's on the list though.
I am your typical high school nerd... The A+ grades and all that jazz, but I dont want to get a career in anything other than getting money- don't care what job it is.

I always wake up on the same time, 7:15am- today is a little different...

I groan and regret the studying I did at 3:00 this morning, I lean over the side of my bed and check the clock. 7:40am.
I shoot up out of bed and quickly get dressed in my cliche knee length charcoal skirt and dark green sweater, I squeeze my size 9 feet into my size 8 1/2 shoes and run downstairs.
I was adopted at the age of 14 which is very rare, I have looked for my parents but the hospital has informed me that Mr Jerald and Mrs Kala Mason passed away when I was 10, so I will never meet my parents or find out why they gave me up.
My adoptive parents are never around they work all the time and if they aren't working they are getting drunk, I have no siblings that I know of, I don't even have a pet.
I grab one of the apples that are on the bench and half of the apple is gone in one bite.
I quickly run out of the five story apartment building and to the run down bus stop.
Mrs Carol is sitting like always on her walker wish a smile on her face.
"Good morning Mrs Carol" I smile standing beside her
"Good morning deary" she nods
"Off to see Mr Mark?" I ask referring to her dead husband
"Most certainly am, it's his 70th birthday" she smiles.
Mr Mark died from pushing a pregnant lady out of the way of a moving truck, Mrs Carol was relieved he died for a cause.

After saying our goodbyes I got on the cramped school bus and sat right up the front.
"Yo nerd" I hear from my side- I don't turn around but just check my nails out.
"Why hello Fredrick" I smile looking at him
"Do my homework" he growls
"I'm sorry, but since when were dogs allowed on the bus?" I say loud enough for everyone to hear. The bus becomes quiet before everyone erupts in laughter
"You're the bitch" he smirks at his terrible comeback
"Oh yuck you have shit in your teeth" I gag at the brown smudge on his teeth. The bus becomes loud with laughter.
I gasp as my face slams into the plastic window.
"You bitch" Fredrick growls pressing my fave harder into the window
"Says the dog" I spit, he growls again and slams my head hard into the window before walking off to his friends.
I groan and swallow the blood inside my mouth, I wipe my bleeding nose and lean my head on the back of the chair.
"You all good?" Charlie sighs sitting beside me.
"Yeah" I smile at my only friend
"He went soft on you today" both Charlie and I laugh.
"I know, I wonder why?" I frown
"Rumour has it he likes you" Charlie winks
"Yuck" I gag, Charlie bursts out laughing

We arrive at school and I go straight into the office.
"Juliet, Nurse Vicky isn't here today" Mr Hank smiles at me
"Really that sucks" I groan
"But Mrs Lee is in the sick bay if you just wait out here she'll help you" he adds, I nod and take a seat in the rock hard couch.

"Now Juliet," I jump at the sudden noise, "come into my office" Mrs Lee, the principle sighs allowing one of the grade 11s walk out of her office.
"Morning miss" I smile and follow her into her big fancy office. We both sit down on opposite sides of the large wooden desk.
"Now I know it was Fredrick who did it, but" she closes her eyes knotting her fingers together.
"But?" I frown
"But you said a language that we do not accept at this school-" I go to speak but she holds her hand up signalling me not to "and this isn't the first time you have been involved with physical fights which could have been avoided if you were to do the five steps of avoiding a bully" I frown
"What are you trying to say?" I ask crossing my arms over my itchy sweater
"I'm sorry Juliet but you are not allowed to stay on this premises otherwise the police will be contacted," I frown "in other words you have been expelled"
"Juliet keep your voice down" Mrs Lee growls
"FUCK OFF" I shout "oh actually how is Mr Lee? Is he still cheating on you will Miss Avalon?" I smirk at her shocked expression "science room 3.10 every time Saturday" I wink and slam the door shut as I walk out.

What am I meant to do now?
I'll become a stripper.....

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