Living the Gang life

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After a long ass drive, meaning: 5 hours and 30 minutes. We finally pull up at a mansion of sorts. Over thirty cars are lined up in the round drive way, four guards are standing out front while six or behind the gate.
I huff again when I'm told to get out of the car by a Guard.
"Pat down, really?" I sigh and look at Jerry.
"Sorry Hun, Bruce that's Juliet" Jerry laughs before turning to the guard.
"She could be dangerous sir" Bruce says with a smirk fired at me.
"If I wanted to hurt anyone it would be you since I am tired as fuck and you are between me and a bed" I snap while pointing a finger at him "now let us in before I shoot you" I sneer.
"You wouldn't dare" Bruce laughs
"Bruce-" before Jerry can finish I pull my gun out.
"Dare me" I smirk.
Bruce rolls his eyes and smirks
"I dare-"
"That's enough" Jerry shouts "Bruce let us in or I'll let her skin you alive" I smirk when Bruce goes pale.


It's been 3 hours since arriving at the KD gang mansion and well I've put away my whore outfits and my money Into a safe that only I know the pin to.
I'm laying down on the king size bed with my legs up in the air Charlie is in my mind, I haven't forgotten him, my best friend.... A song comes into my head an I smile,..... in the distance at the Guitar I brought with Kat last year. It's bright red with a black strap.
With a heavy sigh I flop off the bed and pick up my instrument.
I strum a couple cords before humming ...
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there is always tomorrow

Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on

Please swallow your pride
If I have faith you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you won't let show

You just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'll understand
We all need somebody to lean on

If there is load you have bear
That you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load

If you just call me
If you need a friend, call me, if you need a friend call me.

I finish with one last strum and smile, lean on me by Billy Withers was Charlie's and my song. We would always sing it on the bus if I wasn't getting my head bashed into a window. That day started all this.... I wish he was here with me, I could use his positive words, there has been times where I wanted to end everything but then Kat or Jerry would help me, I have self harmed and Kat walked in on me.... It wasn't the best chat we have had but it's what has helped me.

I jump at the sound of a gun shot. This life I wasn't born into, but I live for it....

I hide my guitar under my bed and change into a pair of jeans and a singlet before shoving a M9, G18 into the back of my jeans and a 44 Magnum into the front of my jeans, I slide my pocket knife into my ankle guard before grabbing my baby the P-35 high power hand gun. Small but mighty.
Another couple gun shots go off an I slowly creep down the huge spiral stairs. I notice a group of masked men pointing guns around, wow they are bad.... I point my gun at them and shoot their legs, one shoots me in my foot and another my thigh but the rest all fall over without shooting. I jog over to them and pull out another gun.
"Who are you?" I ask firmly while point the leader in the head with one of my guns.
"I-we.....- " he gets cut off by my grunt. While focussing on the group of men I didn't notice the two men further ahead, with a groan I point the other gun at the man. And huff.
"Man this is my favourite gun" I sigh with a pout. "Now" i look down at my stomach "ouch?" I laugh... And look up at the two men. I glance at the group before moving to the two men.
"Who are you?" The taller one asks.
"Nah-ah that's not how this works, you come here, we have a little shoot off and then I ask you who you are" I shrug but wince "shit that hurt" I frown and look around the house. It's empty... What the hell??
"Sorry but you're the trespasser-" I turn quickly to the tall guy with a frown
"No? I live here" I laugh and cough. My hand flies to my stomach and I push on it. "Do you live here?" I grunt
"Ye-yeah... My uncle....-"
"JULIET" I hear Jerrys voice yell in horror. "Shit Julie, what the fuck Kyle you can't start shooting in the fucking house" I grunt. "DORRIS GET HERE NOW" I stumble and lean against Jerry
"What the fuck is going on?" Kyle frowns.
"You have a stupid nephew Jerry," I gasp out. "Well Kyle your uncle here is like my father, I started working for him maybe 8 hours ago and now you have shot me, meaning I could die since I have a bullet lodged in my intestines, thigh and foot" I groan the last words out.
"Okay shit! Honey are you alright! Fuck of course not.... Kyle you better not be the cause of this or I will tie you to that chair and let Julie beat the shit out of you" Dorris, Jerry's brother growls.
"Dorri" I grunt "kinda dying here" I gesture to my blood covered singlet...
I feel my eyes get heavy "hurry I can't say awake" I grunt.


Ever died and come back to life? Yeah well sorry that doesn't happen.

I groan as I feel someone digging around in my stomach while a bright light is glaring into my eye.
"Did you want to fucking push harder?" I grunt with a gasp.
"When did you wake up?" Jerry laughs as he wipes his hands that are covered in blood, my blood.
"Since I felt a jab to my bladder.... Now I need to piss" I huff and look down at the bloody mess. "I won't be peeing anytime soon will I?"
"Well Dorris has Kyle and his crew in the basement in cells..." He laughs hike shaking his head "Isaac and I just got the bullets out, the thigh one was pretty deep, nearly came out..." I nod
"They need gun training" I roll my eyes
"Him and his crew have their own teacher, but between you and I.... That teacher won't be staying long" Jerry winks and looks back down at my stomach "you're going to have a nasty scar on your thigh, a small one on your foot and another nasty on your stomach, we might be able to-"
"Nope I'm keeping the scars, then I can show Kyle and his crew how shit their aiming is.... I was standing in front of them not even 4 feet away an they still missed my heart" I huff and Jerry winces
"Well I'm glad they missed, wow never though I would say that." We both laugh.
"Okay I can't hold it I really need to pee" I groan and look down.
"Fine but let me carry you okay" I huff but agree anyway.

After peeing and changing into a pair of loose shorts and a baggy top I get wheeled- yes wheeled in a wheel chair.... Down to the basement.

I use the crutch I was given and wobble up to the first cell. Kyle.
"Why hello there handsome" I smirk with a deadly glint.
"You're alive!" Kyle jumps up from the ground and walks to the cell bars.
"Yeah, you missed. Starting tomorrow I'll be teaching you and your....." I look around and spit a bitter laugh "and your girls" I here the word 'hey' being thrown around and I clear my throat.
"What but Fergus was our teacher" I here from the cell behind me. Ahh the guy who shoot my foot.
"Well he is doing a shit job. You shot my foot" I point to the stitched up mess on my foot. I point to the cell next to Kyle "he shot me in my thigh" I point to Kyle "and your pussy of a leader shot my stomach" I lift my shirt up which reveals the thick and long scar that starts just under my bust and ends just above my belly button.
"Oh" the guy mutters.
"Yes 'oh' now. I'm not done...." I hear groans and a laugh, but the laugh is quiet. "Who laughed!" I roar and turn to the direction. The guy who was with Kyle when he shot me is smirking and leaning up against the metal bar.
"I'm sorry but.... A girl is going to teach me?" He burst out laughing.
"Ferguson" I hear Jerry grunt from behind me.
"Ahhhh so this is the famous Fergus I hear of?" I smirk and wobble towards him "sorry but didn't you notice that I shot three of your men in the hand and two others in the foot?" He frowns and looks at his men. "Ahh they hid their injuries well don't you think? And trust me you and then are going to pay... Not for giving me these amazing scars but for not killing me when you had the chance" I smirk and wink before slamming my crutch into his head through the bars, he falls over and blacks out. "You all better fucking be ready for tomorrow, you will be let out at 400 hours, I'll be at the training grounds, anyone late or inattentive.... Well I hear the torture room is always a good training room" I laugh bitterly, I walk pass Kyle and smirk
"You aren't serious" he huffs
"Test me, I dare you" I smile, I see Kyle look into my eyes, he must find why he wasn't wanting because he pales and sits back down. "Now rest up, the next couple of weeks are going to me..... I'll let you finish that sentence" I laugh and smile at Jerry who nods his head at me.



I'm really sorry for the late update once again!!! I just finished and handed in my first round of assessments, I go on holidays next week (6 days away) so I'll try to update then.


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