Chapter 1

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I DO NOT own Teen Wolf, only Melanie and her plot lines.

Lily Collins as " Melanie "

tap tap

My eyes abruptly sprung agape, the startling sound echoing outside my window disrupting my once delicate slumber. My stiff neck turning to the side with disorientation, heart thumping erratically about my petite chest from the abrupt awaken. What the heck?

tap tap tap

I felt my breath noticeably hitch, suddenly realizing the pattern in which I believed was in my head, actually existed. My glass window being conveniently open, for a cool breeze continuously grazed the back of my neck. Causing numerous scenarios to swirl about my vivid mind, as well as goosebumps to decorate my ghostly skin.

The soft violet curtains equipping my window ironically swaying with comfort, oblivious to a clear dark shadow looming upon the opposing side.

It looked as if it were a scene out of a horror movie, and unfortunately, it seemed I was the victim.

tap tap thud

I swung my legs timidly over my bed, my body somewhat numb with fear, imagination clearly getting the absolute best of me. For, I wasn't the most fearful person ever, but after watching a horror movie or two before I was to sleep, made me jump to numerous conclusions very quickly.

I was careful to make no noise whatsoever. For all I know, a bloodthirsty psychopath could be placed directly outside. And, let me explain to you right now, I am not prepared for that type of commitment. I realize that just yesterday I claimed I wanted to die, but I surly didn't mean it in any legit form. I merely found the Math test I was to take tomorrow distasteful, not death worthy.

thud tap tap

I grabbed the metal baseball bat in which was hibernating underneath my bed, arms and legs trembling in the process. My mother was gone almost all of the time, so I had to have at least something to protect myself with. Sure, I would have rather wanted to be equipped with a chainsaw or a machete, but I presume a baseball bat would have to make due.

And, I'm not exaggerating whatsoever when I say my mother's never present. I basically live alone at this point. But, I fortunately know how to use the oven and the microwave, therefor I would survive.

Carefully standing up, I clutched the cold bat between my pale fingertips. Fumbling around with it for a moment before I got the correct grip.

"Hello?" Someone in a forced whisper spoke.

I froze, squeezing my eyes shut in terror as I swallowed the lump planted deeply in my throat. Don't talk, that makes absolutely nothing better. Before I could utter a cautious word in response (which more than likely wouldn't have occurred), the curtains were carefully being drawn back, causing the eerie moonlight to escape and dance around my maliciously dark room.

"Melanie?" The same voice interrogated.

They know my name. They. Know. My. Name. I reluctantly shuffled to the side a bit, in hopes of getting a glimpse of at least something. And, that was soon accomplished, for some sort of a silhouette was standing on my flat roof.

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