Chapter 27

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.


I was currently sprawled across my comfortable bed, the radio playing softly in the background, in which I would hum a few songs to. My unfinished homework was to the left of me, all while various shades of nail polish made my main priority.

I was currently struggling to apply a grey shade to my fingernails, me obviously incapable of doing so. For I continuously got it absolutely everywhere.

"Why did you kiss him?" A voice rang abruptly from the doorway, causing me to jump slightly at the sudden noise. I swung my head around to see none other than Stiles. His head hung low, standing solemnly in the corner of my room.

"Stiles? How did you get in here?" I sat up cautiously from my bed, furrowing my eye brows and rushing to dissipate the singing music, "And aren't you suppose to be watching Scott?"

"You're door was unlocked." He replied, shaking his head, cringing slightly at the subject of the werewolf. "And he got loose, but Derek has him now. You're avoiding my question. Why did you kiss him?"

Oh yes, if I had forgotten to mention, Derek did not die. I'm not exactly sure how, I'm not exactly sure why, but all I'm aware of is that he isn't dead. There was a slight issue though, we had made him one of the most wanted fugitives in the entire state. Which did make Derek a tad bit angry.

I sighed, leaning up against my dresser, "I didn't kiss Scott. He was the one who kissed me. And I never kissed him back. It was all one huge mistake."

"Yeah?" Stiles laughed sarcastically, "Well he said you did."

"So you're going to listen to Scott?" I started, raising an eyebrow, "Who probably won't remember a thing tomorrow because he's being affected by the full moon?"

Stiles shifted his gaze to the floor, most likely realizing he sounded insane accusing me of this, "I know."

"And Stiles, Allison is one of my best friends. Do you honestly think I would do that to her?"

He shook his head, swallowing noticeably, "No."

I nodded in conclusion, "So please don't come to my house and accuse me of something I didn't do."

"Look, I'm sorry. Scott just told me that you-"

"Wait." I cocked my head to the side, pursing my lips, "Why does it even matter?"

"It doesn't." He lied terribly, rushing out his sentence along with an awkward cough.

"Your such a liar." I chuckled, the whole argument from a moment ago slipping from the both of our minds, "Tell me."

Stiles sighed, "It's nothing."

I looked at him wonderingly, knowing I shouldn't push him any further to tell me something he didn't want to. Because I'm aware of how incredibly annoying that is, and if I had some sort of secret, I wouldn't want to be pressured into telling it. So, I guess I should just wait until he tells me on his own.

But, what if it's something about the supernatural? What if it's something really important, and he thinks he's keeping me safe from not telling me? Now that right there is something I specifically do not want to happen.

What if kissing a freaking werewolf means I'm like, apart of the supernatural? Now, I'm aware of how incredibly stupid and idiotic that sounds, but can we please just take it into consideration? I mean, it's Beacon Hills. But, then again, if it had anything to do with that absurd theory, Allison would be something crazy. But what if she is and she's just hiding it from us? Now that would be a plot twist.

I broke myself from my thoughts, Stiles watching the whole time while I kept everything into mind.

"You're keeping me in the loop of things, right? You and Scott aren't keeping anything from me?" I eventually spoke, biting my lower lip.

Stiles' eyes widened, a shocked expression enveloping his features, "Of course we're keeping you in the loop of things! Especially with the supernatural."

"So this thing you're keeping from me isn't life threatening?" I smirked, earning a small chuckle from Stiles.

"I'm not keeping anything from you, Mel." Stiles stated, the both of us plopping down onto my bed. "It's just, I don't want anything to ruin the great friendship the three of us have."

I could still find a bit of a lie tracing his words, but I decided to let it slide. Like I had stated before, whatever it is, I'll end up finding out in the end. I mean, that's how it always works.

I was a bit disappointed though. As much as I dislike arguments, it would be a lie if I said I wasn't beyond happy that he didn't like Scott kissing me. That gave me a little bit of hope for the possible more than friends scenario I had played out in my head. But, that hope had distinguished. For Stiles had basically just stated we were all just friends. And he didn't want to ruin that.

"So while you're here." I started, grabbing my computer from the right side of my bed, "Do you want to watch some Netflix?"

He grinned at my suggestion, nodding his head along with a small chuckle, "When do I not?"

I opened my laptop, logging onto Netflix and beginning to scroll through various movies and TV shows. A sigh following afterwards, for nothing looked that appealing.

"Any preferences?" I questioned, glancing up at Stiles.

He opened his mouth to comment, but I had quickly cut him off, "No Star Wars, Batman, or anything related to those movies. Because I can guarantee, I've seen them already."

"Hey, you loved Batman."

"I did love Batman. Until you made me watch it everyday after school." I laughed, continuing to glide past movies.

"Let's watch Spider-Man." Declared the pale boy, his finger pressing up against my computer screen. Specifically where his ideal movie was located.

"Um, I'm pretty sure that falls under the Star Wars category, Stiles."

"Spider-Man is not even close to Star Wars."

"What about Batman? Is it close to Batman?" I rose an eyebrow.

"No, Bats and Spiders are very different. And you haven't even seen it yet!" Stiles continued to try, his finger finally leaving the computer screen.

I sighed, watching as his face contorted pleadingly, his hands connecting together as if he was praying. I groaned in defeat, clicking on the movie and watching as Stiles cheered happily.

This was going to be a long night.

Wow this chapter sucks, sorry.

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