Chapter 21

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.


The plan to escape the dreaded school was still remaining as the top priority. But, as per usual, it wasn't anywhere near easy. For, yet another obstacle stood in our way.

The, creature, had shoved a large dumpster in front of the door we had attempted to exit from. Only meaning one circulating thing, we had to find another way out.

If you would have asked me an hour ago, I would have surly been beyond terrified to be trapped at a school. No way of knowing if you were going to be to able to get out or not.

But, if you were to ask me now, this very second. I would explain to you that I no longer cared. I no longer cared if I died, I no longer cared if I lived. I just wanted this to be over with. I was just honestly so done with this whole situation, words could merely not describe how much I wanted to just collapse on the ground and sleep for a couple hundred years.

As of right now, I was being dragged along by Stiles. Our hands intwined tightly. To be completely honest, if he were to let go of my palm; I would simply halt to a stop and wait for the alpha to catch up with me. Laughing maniacally as the thing snarled its blood stained teeth at me, evil illuminating out of its crimson eyes.

Yes, that in fact did sound dark and disturbing. I knew. You wouldn't have to tell me twice. I had lost it, I was running low on sleep and my biggest lurking fear was coming to life. Death. Actually, it had already sprung to life. All the death around me was worse than actually dying myself. It seemed as if nothing bad actually hits you, until you happen to care enough to think about it twice.

"God, what is it doing? What does it want?" Yelled Stiles, shaking his head with terror.

"It wants me." Scott came to a sudden realization, our pace decreasing, "Derek said It's stronger with a pack."

"Oh Great." Stiles scoffed, "psychotic werewolf is into teamwork. That's beautiful."

My eyes lazily trailed outside the glass window. The fearsome red-eyed monster standing proudly on top of the distasteful school. It was going to come towards us, and if I didn't explain fast enough, this time that is. . .I would loose the two people that I truly cared about most.

"Stiles." I whispered with hesitance, shaking his shoulder. "It's on the roof."

"What?" He shifted his head sluggishly, catching sight of the huge wolf lunching towards us.

We all shared a quick horrified glance as we started running down the hallway, again. Parts of the ceiling and glass loosely trailing behind us. The boys launched themselves down a flight of stairs, no reluctancy whatsoever. Leaving me to basically collapse down them myself, releasing Stiles' palm in the process.

Unfortunately, I wasn't quite fast enough. For, when I attempted to mock the boys' actions, I was fretfully yanked backwards.

Without further hesitation, the creature grasped onto my deep blue jacket. It's gnarled claws piercing into my shirt. Holes now decorating my sleeves. My head was collided roughly into a cemented wall. Some sense miraculously making its way into my mind, almost instantly taking back what I had thought a moment ago. I did in fact care about dying. And I wasn't going to die tonight, not at school.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, struggling from the animals grip. It's gnarled hands just tightening the grip.

The monster just seemed to smirk, I wasn't that quite sure on how it was even remotely possible for a wolf to smirk but it was. I swear.

"You don't know who you are, do you?" Chuckled the animal in a gruesome voice. It was a bit muffled due to the severe growling and snarling, but I could still understand it clearly.

I contorted my face in confusion, "What?"

"Melanie? Right." It shoved me harder against the cold cement wall. And it was definitely not a comfortable position.

"How do you know who I am." I hissed back, yet visible tears were streaming down my pale face. I was now attempting to kick away the creature, but it was failing miserably.

"I know a lot more than you think, Melanie. Heart Attack, right?"

"What?" I whimpered, giving up and now limply lying in the alphas death-grip.

"You're father. You believe he passed by a heart attack, right?"


I heard a small ding come from the janitors closet. Catching the alphas attention briefly before is gaze shifting back to me.

"All that I have to say is that, you're father? He didn't die from a heart attack."

Then the creature released me, quickly trampling into the closet, sending me to the ground with a thud. I then let the tears loose, slowly dancing across my cheeks.

"Mel." I heard Stiles' voice ring, pulling me into a messy hug. I clung onto his shoulders, soft sobs escaping my lips.

I pulled away from the pale boy, gripping onto his flannel for dear life, struggling for some comfort. My hands shaking immensely and my voice barley above a hushed whisper.

"It-It knew my name Stiles. It knew my name, a-and my father."

Stiles' eyes widened, breathing picking up a bit. "It's going to be okay. As long as I'm here, that-that thing will never even look at you again. Okay?"

"Okay." I cried out pitifully as a giant crash rang throughout the area.

"Guys." Scott heaved, "It's in the ceiling."

My life was about to take a drastic turn for the worse. And I was not ready for any of that. All that I want is a normal teenage life...a normal family. But I get the exact opposite.

I get a psychotic werewolf chasing after my best friends and I. And that wasn't even the worse part.

It knew my name. And my dad.

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