Chapter 6

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

I laid on Stiles' bed, absentmindedly doodling in my Chemistry notebook. Which I was suppose to be doing homework in. But, let's be completely honest here. There was no way I was doing four whole pages of chemistry homework. Especially with Stiles constantly wanting to have a conversation. But, I wasn't complaining. For at times I would yearn to even spend a split second with the kid. "Yeah, I heard. With a crossbow."

"Yep, so Scott's love life is screwed." Chuckled Stiles.

"We'll figure it out." I sighed a bit too dramatically, "We always do."

"That, is correct." Stiles stated, messing with his lacrosse stick. It looked as if he was struggling to tighten the white netting, but in reality he was just tugging on ransom strings. It really wasn't effecting anything at all.

"So, ya know Derek?" I asked him, looking up from my doodles and quirking an eyebrow.

Stiles nodded, "Yep, the 'my family all burned to death in a fire' Derek?"

"That's the one." I nodded. "Why was he at lacrosse practice yesterday?"

Stiles' eyes widened alarmingly wide as he dropped his lacrosse stick, "What?"

"Yeah, he was there...watching us."

"What! You should have told me." Stiles frowned, crossing his arms and pouting like a five year old who hadn't gotten what he asked for.

"Sorry, I was kind of caught up in the whole 'almost getting killed' thing."  I smiled sarcastically, momentarily setting my pencil down onto my paper.

Stiles groaned dramatically, "What if he tries to kill us?"

"He's not going to try and kill us." I reassured him.

"Scott did."

I grazed my hand over my wrist where a visible red mark was when Scott decided to play a game of chase in the locker rooms. But, thankfully it was covered up by the long sleeves of my jacket. "Yeah I know. But Derek didn't try and kill Allison and I in the car."

"I know but-"

"But I don't understand the question to this math problem." I finished his sentence for him, changing the subject drastically and grabbing my math book out of my bag.

"Your changing the subject, Mel." Stiles furrowed his eye brows as I rose from the bed and took a seat next to him on the floor.

"Mhmm." I hummed casually, opening my math book and showing him the equation that I was confused with.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, glancing down at my math work sheet and eventually enlightening me on how to do it somewhat properly.

"Alright, I'm pretty sure I have it." I nodded looking up at him and grinned. He looked down and sheepishly smiled at me as well.

And it happened again. We got caught in one another's gaze. The butterflies returning and me studying the hazel orbs he calls eyes. But this time the gap between us began to get smaller.

But, I knew what I was doing was incredibly wrong. Because Stiles had always liked Lydia. And I was just his friend. I would always be, just his friend. And I didn't want to get in between anything to do anything I would regret. Because if Stiles had a chance with the strawberry blonde, then he should take that chance. I didn't want to get hurt, but most of all I didn't want to hurt him.

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