Chapter 3

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I DO NOT own Teen Wolf, only Melanie and a few of her plot lines.

Lily Collins as Melanie


I sat on the bleachers alongside Lydia and Allison, watching as the boys in maroon jerseys scurried around the lush field before coach wanted to begin.

Once the whistle blew and practice had started, I watched sceptically as Scott merely made his way into goalie.

"No, what are you doing Scott?" I mumbled under my breath, mentally making a note to scold him afterwards.

"Who is he?" Asked Allison.

"I'm not sure." Lydia sighed, clearly not interested in the events currently taking place. I had a feeling she knew who he was though, mainly because I tell her about them frequently. And she would have to be quite stupid to forget. And I think we all know that she's the smartest girl in Beacon Hills High.

"His name is Scott McCall. He's one of my best friends." I stated, not tearing my eyes from the floppy haired boy. Who was actually playing for once.


"Yep, why?" I turned to her this time, wiggling my eye brows at her. Seems like I have been hanging around Stiles too much lately, but I wasn't really complaining.

"He's– my English class." She smiled lightly, nervously fiddling with the tips of her fingers.

I nodded and turned my attention back to the game. A small smirk wallowing about my features, for the brunettes features were brighter than a fire truck, "Yeah, he's nice, you should talk to him."

She nodded, gaze falling downward, "Maybe."

The first ball came soaring towards Scott. Clearly, he wasn't paying that much attention, resulting in the object smacking itself right in between the teenagers eyes. Sending him comedically towards the ground. I ran my hands through my tousled hair as well as shaking my head. "Scott.."

"Hey! Nice way to catch it with your face McCall!" Greenburg shouted.

I chuckled sarcastically, rolling my eyes with annoyance, "Shut up, Greenburg!"

The next person was up to take the shot, extending the lacrosse stick backwards and catapulting it, the ball flying hastily through the air. I watched carefully and realized it didn't hit the net. What? I took a brief double take and realized that Scott had surprisingly caught it. He actually caught it.

"Yeah!" Stiles and I yelled in compel eye unison, chucking our fists into the air.

But, it didn't stop there, Scott continued to catch the balls, one by one they landed in the net. This was amazing, he was actually doing it. I've never been more happier for my best friend. And I knew Stiles felt the same way, for every time he caught it, Stiles and I would cheer loudly. The people scattered about the bleachers giving us odd looks. In which Stiles and I merely ignored.

"Woah, he's good." Allison awed.

"Very good." Lydia nodded in response, for once beginning to pay attention to the now expert lacrosse player.

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