Chapter 17

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

Sorry for more short chapters :,(

I was currently placed beside Stiles in his light blue jeep, the both of us still astonished as to what we had just witnessed on the video. It was alarming to say the least. That thing running around beacon hills as if it was a playground isn't exactly settling.

"That was the alpha." I stated, turning to face Stiles, "It crashed through the window. That's what I saw in the video store."

"Yeah, I know." He shook his head, licking his lips, "Thank god it didn't hurt you."

I nodded, my heart swelling at his concern, but that feeling soon defusing due to the fact that my thoughts shifted into a whole new subject. Stiles and Lydia.

I wanted to know, did Stiles like Lydia? My mom had made a comment earlier in the day about the subject, but of course I didn't believe her. I sure hoped it was legit, but now my hope is dissipating.

Well frankly, I didn't believe anything my mom said now a-days. Thanks to the frequent lies that she had easily told. A few examples being, 'your fathers going to be okay,' and 'I'll be back in time for dinner.' To be honest, she was almost never telling the truth. I wasn't even sure if her I love you's were as promising as she made them out to be.

Anyways, back to the Stiles and Lydia topic. To be completely fair, Stiles had never mentioned the fact of himself actually liking the strawberry blonde more than a friend. It had just occurred to me, Stiles saying that he had had a crush on a girl since the third grade, and at times he would hint at it.

For example, the beginning of the school year. I remember hearing him say something about Lydia as she walked into school. And I believe at times he would gush over the red-head, or as he would re-state it. Strawberry blonde.

So now that I think of it, I was almost one hundred percent sure that Lydia was the one Stiles had his eye on. Why Lydia? It had to be one of my best friends? It couldn't be Barbra from math? Or Amanda from chemistry? Or here's a wild one, me? But, It was the truth. And the truth hurt. Because, I had admitted to myself that I did in fact have a crush on the pale boy. I had head over heels, fallen for my best friend. And it wasn't exactly fun.

But to be reasonable, Stiles and I also had our moments? I mean, the night before Scott called us. That had to mean something right? Or when we hug, the looks we give each other, that's not absolutely nothing...right?

"Stiles." I spoke, turning my head to face him, my eyes boring into the side of his head. "Lydia. She's the one you like, right?"

I could barley even process the words as they rambled fluently out of my mouth. But, I wasn't denying the fact that I wanted to know the answer, because I really did. And there's nothing I could do now to take back what I had said, so I guess I should just sit back and see how this soon-to-be awkward conversation plays out.

"What?" His eyes widened as we entered my bumpy drive-way, "Lydia?"

I nodded my head, sighing softly, "Yeah, I mean you have a crush on her, right?"

"Uh...She's pretty and smart–"

"So you do." I chuckled nervously, not giving him enough time to even murmur a full coherent sentence, but that's really all I needed to hear, "Sorry, I just thought—I should go."

Without giving him a chance to utter another word, I hopped quite un-gracefully out the vehicle. Wincing noticeably at the immense pain in my left side. I knew It would have been a good idea to tell Stiles that I wasn't really suppose to move at all today, and that I was suppose to just kind of take it easy. But, I was curious about the whole video store thing as well. And I wasn't going to give him another reason to worry about me. His friend.

"Melanie, I was worried sick about you. I thought Stiles was driving you right home?" My mom appeared from the kitchen, her hair a mess from the last work shift she had fu-filled. I was surprised she was home, she was almost never present in this household.

"Yeah sorry, we stopped by Lydia's to see how she was doing." I smiled weakly, my hand gripping the railing of the staircase a bit too tight.

I was emotionally and physically an exhausted mess. From what I had just figured out from Stiles and the whole alpha thing just added to the fun. The sharp jabbing in my side not making anything easier.

"Okay, okay. I'm not going to scold you now. I'm going to help you up to your room, and you're going to lay there and sleep for the next two days."

"That actually sounds amazing." I chuckled, climbing up the painful steps and soon being re-united with my wonderful bed. Also known as the only thing that hasn't done me wrong in this life.

"Want anything? Need anything?" My mom smiled tiredly, leaning up against the door frame as I stared up at the white ceiling.

"I'm good."

"No soup, pain meds, fluids, medical attention?"

I chuckled, turning my head to face her. "I'm fine, mom. I promise."

My mother sighed, looking at the floor and shaking her head. "Look Melanie, I'm sorry."

"For what?" I furrowed my eye brows, partially sitting up. I was really confused on what she was trying to explain. What had she done wrong?

"For being a terrible mother." Her voice cracked, guilt automatically overcoming my sore body for all of the mean and disappointed thoughts I had towards my mom. Who was in reality trying the best she could.

"Mom." I shook my head, "you're absolutely not a terrible mother."

"Oh hush." She shushed me, "I'm never home, I'm never here for you, I'm barley making an income. You deserve better than this, Mel."

"Mom. You're trying your best. And that's what counts. I don't care if your home late, or don't make as much money as everyone else. Your doing fine."

She smiled, shaking her head at me, "I love you honey. And I hope you know that."

"I do." I chuckled, nodding my head, "and I love you too."

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