Chapter 3 - new borders

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  • Dedicated to Billie Thornton

5 weeks after surgery, Simon got out of hospital and was ready for training again. 

Little did he know about John and Gary? Gary is still in Afghan but will come home 

soon. John was in the UK gearing up for Russia. Gary has found new love and wife 

Jenny Sanderson. She is in the United States Air Force and she flies a Chinook. 

She was deployed in Afghan 2 weeks after Gary. 2 weeks later Simon is walking up 

some stairs to go and get his brief but on the way up he bumped into a woman, he looks 

up and remembers her face from the hospital, Billie says “oh hi its Simon 

right?" Simon replies "yes and your Billie ant you", Billie "yes you busy later?" 

Simon "ummm..... I maybe if don’t get deployed in the next 48 hours" Billie "oh 

well um.... I know I will give you my number and you will call me yes?" 

Simon "ok" Billie "ok I will be waiting" Simon then walks up to the brief room and 

gets briefed on his op. Gary soon joins Simon at the Rio briefing but Simon is 

puzzled at why is Gary here he is not 141. After the brief Simon ask Gary "why are you 

here Gary?" Gary replies "I’m in the 141 now" Simon "since when?" Gary "since 2 days 

ago" Simon "oh well I have to go now and get my date" Gary "oh you have someone in 

mind... tell me who it is" Simon "you can wait and see mate wait and see" Simon walks 

off to get ready and calls Billie. 2 hours later they meet up to eat dinner together. 

2 hours later it was time to go home but Simon was so in love with Billie he popped 

the big question "will you Billie Jackson be my wife" Billie paused because she can’t 

say anything but "yes". They both went to Billie’s house and made out all night. 

Morning came and Simon was confused about where he was then Billie entered the room 

half naked, Simon now knows where he is he gets his uniform on and went to pre-

deployment training. A month later Simon had forgotten that he was going to marry 

Billie 3 days ago and runs away from it all. He was so scared to show up he found a 

grenade and pulled the pin but he was upset so much because he thought he would never 

be forgiven for missing his own wedding he dropped it on the floor and it rolled away 

but not far enough and boom!

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