(25). It's Not Christmas Without Snow.

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^^I dedicated my favorite chapter to him because hey, who doesn't like a man who loves some romance?
haha well, I'm kind of suffocating him with dedications here; but I can't help it. His comments made me laugh pretty hard sometimes. hahaah

YOU'RE awesome, Jason_Samuels.

25. It's Not Christmas Without Snow.


"Hmm?" I murmured, still  savoring his scent.

Russell stroked my back. If I was a cat, I'd probably purr.

"Why do you insist on rejecting my love for you?" Russell murmured. Any other time, I would've laughed at how he said it. It sounded like 1900s talk, corny.

But today, I cringed at the question. I definitely didn't want to answer.

"I mean, I'm not a player anymore, or I try really hard not to be. So why can't you just accept the fact that I really like you?" Russell continued,  his voice growing thicker in emotion.

I opened my mouth then closed it again. I tried to get my tongue to work, to try to tell him how I felt about him. How I really felt, but all that came out was, "You went from 'love' to 'really like' in less then a minute."

I groaned inside. I can't believe I just said that when he just officially confessed his feelings for me.

I closed my eyes. I just wasn't ready to tell him. I wasn't ready at all.

Russell stiffened under me. Here we go. He's going to get pissed.

"So you don't feel anything for me? Absolutely nothing?" he prodded, keeping his voice barely in control.

I looked down at our shadow on the wooden floor. "I didn't say that."

"Then how mu-"

Russell never got to finish. My phone rang, blasting Make It Mine by Jason Mraz. I got out of Russell's arms and didn't even check the caller ID when I took my phone out. I didn't care who it was. They just saved me from Russell. Whoever the caller was is officially my savior.

"Hello?" I asked.


Anyone but this bitch.

 I looked up to the celing and mouthed, "Oh my fucking God!" while ignoring Russell's concerned look by turning the other way. If Iris says something heartwarming, something that makes me feel like her kid again, things are going to turn ugly. And I don't want Russell to see any of it.

I didn't answer, but Iris didn't seem to mind. She just started sobbing and screaming. I heard glass breaking and dull thuds.

"T-todd just w-walked out on m-me and said that h-he wanted to g-get a d-d-dicorce b-because I didn't know h-how to take c-care of children!" Iris bawled.

I chuckled darkly. "Sorry, wrong number."

Then, I took a deep breath and closed the phone shut, only one small tear falling from the corner of my eye as I turned back around to face Russell.

"What did she want?" Russell asked gently, apparently forgetting about his previous question for the moment.

"A shoulder to cry on." I replied. "Come on, lets head home."


An hour later, I met with the photographer at a cafe. It was 11:00 PM, and the man was a complete lunatic. He kept going on and on about how the color of the light hits my face just perfectly and Russell is so photogenic and that if Russell was a girl, he'd marry him.

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