Chapter 3

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I felt some one shaking me. "Get up! Get up!" I heard some one call out. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Amy holding my arm. She let go as she saw my eyes open. I sat up and looked at the time. "Shit!" I jumped out of bed then covered my mouth. I forgot that Amy was still in my room. "Get out." She did as i said and i closed the door. I grabbed the nearest pair of socks and threw them on. I went to my dressing and opened it. I took out a T-shirt and a pair of pants. I quickly got into them then lefted my room. I picked up my bag and left.


When I took a step in the building everyone began to surround me. I heard a bunch of voices. But i couldn't understand anything that anyone was saying. Then i saw Emily. I pushed everyone away and walked up to her. She was on her phone. "Ok mom." I heard her say. I stopped listening. She hated nosy people. And i didn't want the only person i could really talk to, to hate me. "Ashley?" I snapped out of my trance as she snapped in my face. I backed up not trying to get hit. "Did you know theres a new kid in our class?" "No." I replied. "Well th-" Emily was cut of by the bell. "Time to go to jail. Oops i meant class. Wait no i didn't." We both giggled then went to class. As walked in my class i saw a curly haired boy sitting next to my seat. Harry. I sat down and turned to Harry. I couldn't keep my eyes off of his. He had the cutest green eyes ever. "Do i have a third eye?" Harry said making me snap out of my trance, again. "No. Its just..." I froze. "Just what?" He asked. "Your eyes." I said without noticing. "Yea. There green whats so bad about that?" "Nothing." I said fast then turned to the door. Ms. Howard was walking in. (A/N: Ms. Howard is the teacher from Chapter One) Everyone but me got out there books. I was just waiting for the teacher to sit at her desk. Lets just say i know how to pick a lock. The did as i want. As soon as she sat the chair broke and she fell. "ASHLEY!" Was the first thing she yelt out. I dropped the screws that i was playing with, from the chair, and stood up. "What did i do." I said softly. Everyone began to laugh. "Go." She shouted. She was about to write a slip to the offic but i grabbed it first. "I'll write it." Everyone laughed again. I grinned. As i slowly walked out, i could hear Harry asking to go to the bathroom. Next thing i know he was running up next to me. "What was that about?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "If you haven't heard yet, im the bad girl. Its sort of my thing." I explained. "Well you dont know me either."

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