Chapter 23

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It was finally over. I managed to pass High School. I mean there was a few obstacles in the way, but I still did it.

It was all over. Everyone threw their hats up in the air and celebrated. I found my way to my mother and sister. "You did it Ash!" Amy shouted as I picked her up. "I know!" This is the happiest I saw my mom since Andrew died. It feels good. "Did he show up?" I looked around knowing the answer. "No. Don't worry. Its alright." She nodded. I can still see the sympathy in her eyes.

Who's 'he' you may ask, well he as in Harold. Yea. Harry. He moved to London half way through Senior year. The bad thing is, he left while we were on off terms. He probably hates me, but he promise me he'd be here. But its all good. He could be in London having a wonderful life. I don't care.


I was at home thinking about my high school years. It was fun. The Love. The pain. I'd say, it was worth it. Amy got really big. "Pick me up!" I laughed. "Your bigger and older now. That's gonna be quite the challenge." She giggled then nodded. "Fine. No brownies for you." I pretended to be sad. "Not the brownies!" My mom came in. "Who's ready to make brownies?!"


*4 years later*

"If you haven't, check out the new book 'sour love'! Ashley did a great job! Almost 5 million people have read it already!" I cut off the TV. "Yo Ash, you gonna come?" My roomate asked throwing me the car keys. "Its you that wants to see this band live. Not me." She rolled her eyes. "What's the band name anyways?" She looked down. "You'll see." I groaned.

*at the meet and greet*

Too many people in this room at once. I was already mad and people keep pushing me. Now I see why I wasn't told who the concert was by. It was One Direction. I mean, I have nothing against the band... Just a member. After Harry left to London, he auditioned for the X-Factor and got famous. I waited for Jessica to come back so we could leave.

"Meet and Greet over! Everyone must leave now." The guard yelled. Just as that was said Jess popped up. "I was the last person!" She squealed. Great. I turned around but bumped into someone. "Sorry." I heard a really familiar voice say. I looked up to see Harry already looking down at me.

Before any other words could be said, he smashed his lips onto mine. Got his lips were soft. He finally broke the kiss. "First you bump into me then you randomly kiss me. What the fuck dude." He chuckled. "Ashley, oh Ashley. Not much has changed. Other than the fame." "How do you just kiss me and not even say hi. I'm still mad at you Styles." I rolled my eyes and crossed me arms. "I know I know. I'm terribly sorry. Ashley I swear. Lets just restart. Please I'm begging you. Come on." Harry placed his hand out. I thought about it before grabbing his hand. "Hi I'm Harold. Or Harry." He said with the smirk that he's known for. I returned the smirk. "Ashley. And let me just warn you. I can be quite the bad ass."


I'm ending the book like that. Oops! Well IMA edit this book then set it as completed. Hope u liked it

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