Chapter 9

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OMG THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS. I LOVE YOU ALL (as friends... have a possible mind. Nastyy people. Wait its only me) Yay. I hope you like this chapter.


I opened my eyes two see two green eyes. It was Harry. "Were you watching me sleep?" I couldn't help but giggle. "Maybe." He began to giggle also. This was the first time i woke up with a smile on my face. I usually wake up annoyed or still really tired. Today i woke up happy and was wide awake. How was these things possible. Ive never felt like this before. "You ok, babe?" Harry said interrupting my thoughts. "Yea." I replied. I looked at my watch. "Shit! Theres school today two." I said without noticing. Then i jumped out of bed and Went to my bookbag. I had a extra outfit in my bag. Thank god. I always did even though my mom tells me not to, i still do it. And again, Thank god. I grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom. I walked back out. "Can i use your shower, Harry?" I asked. He shook his head. "Can i join you." He replied giggling. "No, maybe next time." I said as i walked back in the bathroom. I turned on the water. Then i got undressed and hopped into the burning hot water. It was reaxing having the water go down my body. "Im hot. Your cold. You go around like you know. Who i am. But you dont. You got me on my toes." I began to sing, but then stopped when i heard laughing by the door. "I know your there Harry." I shouted. It seemed like that only made him laugh harder. When it stopped i continued to sing the song 'burnin' up' by the jonas brothers. My favorite band. And my favorite boy was Nick. Then i grabbed the soap and washed my body and my hair. About 5 minutes later i was done. I turned off the water, got out the tub, grabbed a towel, and went to Harrys room. As i walked in i saw Harry, but fully NAKED. I totally forgot that he was there. Everything was out. And i mean EVERYTHING. I walked out of his room and went to the guess room. "Im so sorry. I didn't think you would come out of the shower that fast." I giggled. It really didn't bother me. But what was i supposed to say. -Oh its ok, i don't mind seeing you like that- I think not. He smiled. "Its ok." I said smiling back. "Alright. Come on, hurry up so we can get to school." Harry said as he picked up his bookbag.

*At school*

Finally it was the period before lunch. "Hey." Harry said, as he walked out of his class and up to my locker. "Hello." I replied.

"Wanna si-" I was cut off by Zach. "Ashley i was looking for yo- Who's this guy?" He said as he looked at Harry. "Zach meet Harry. Harry meet my boyfriend Zach."


I am SOOOOO SORRY that i haven't updated in forever. I was busy. I do have a life you know

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