Chapter 19

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(Ashleys P.O.V)

I knocked again. The door swung open. You could clearly tell Louis was asleep. His hair was a mess, he was only in his boxers, and he barely had his eyes open. "So i woke you up?" He nodded. "Hi Ashley. Does Harry know your here?" I laughed. "No, and why would he need to know?" He shrugged. "I don't know. I just don't want anyone else getting hurt. Especially you." "Im Fine. Don't Worry." Louis moved aside and let me in. "What brings you here?" I shrugged. "I really don't know. I just came here." I said sitting down on the couch. He smiled while rubbing the back of his neck. "Well anyways, are you okay?" I asked. Lou nodded "Yea. That was nothing." I tried not to laugh. "Is that so?" Louis sat on the couch next to me. "Yup. So ypu wanna watch a movie or?" I jumped up. "Lets go to the park!" Louis finnally broke out into laughter. "And how old are you?" I smirked placing my right arm on my hip. "Old enough to still go to the damn park. Now you coming or not?!" He smiled. "Fine. But at least let me put on close." I looked him up and down. I totally forgot he only had boxers on. He looked cute in boxers, maybe thats why it didn't bother me.


"Today was fun." Louis said. I nodded even tho he couldn't see me.

"I know right!" I said laughing. I finish my Slushie from the movie theaters. "I'm at Harrys house, so ima let you go. I'll see if i can call you later. Okay?" Louis responded "Okay." then i hung up. I knocked softly on the door. "Hold On!" I huffed. There was a 'Bang' noise. "Hurry up Haz!" I door swung open automatically and a pair of arms were rapped arpund me. "Ashley!" I laughed. "I was gone for like four hours, not a week. Damn." "I missed your annoying voice." I acted shocked. "Annoying?!" Harry just laughed and walked back into the house. "Me? Annoying?" "Very!" "Oh that's it!" I ran and jumped onto Hazzas back. "Who's annoying now?" Harry stopped walking and laughed. "Still you!"


Okay I would have made a longer chapter but I took forever to update and feel bad for the long wait. I SUCK AT WRITING THIS BOOK AND WILL BE FIXING IT ON MY LAPTOP. So if anything in the book randomly changes, its being fixed for the better. Not the worst.

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