Chapter 12

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(Zachs POV)

I grew tired of waiting for Ashley to come back to baby me. I looked at the clock. 5:15. I rolled back over. I heard a buzz. I forgot that i had my phone. I picked it up.

New message.

I clicked it.

Vanessa: Hey Baby! <3

I began to type.

Zach: Hi babe!

It didn't take long for a reply.

Vanessa: Wyd?

I replied immediately.

Zach: At Ashleys house

I turned on the T.V. My phone began to buzz.

Vanessa: Why not mine?!

I smiled again.

Zach: Be there in five.

She replied quickly.

Vanessa:Can't wait.

(Ashleys POV)

"I'll never leave." The words slip out my mouth before i could stop myself. Harry slowly turned around. He was tearing up. So was i a little. "So you belive me?" I slowly nodded still unsure. His eyes lit up. It made me smile. He ran up to me and picked me up twirling me in a hug. "Ok. Ok. Harry." He put me down. "What time is it?" He pulled out his phone. Before he can answer, a boy with a arrow like tattoo did. "5:30" He walked over to him. "Ashley, this is Liam. The dick out of the group." He smiled waiting for Liam to say something. "HEY!" Everyone else burst out laughing. I did a little. I pulled out my phone real quick. It was about to die. I texted Zach.

Ashley: You ok?

I got a answer immediately.

Zach: Yea. bout to go to sleep.

I relaxed a bit. Let me give him his rest. I'll get to the bottom of this later. I looked up. I didn't see Harry. Not even 5 seconds later two hands wrapped around my waist. I knew who it was. "Wanna go on the swings?" He whispered in my ear. "No. But i do want you to meet my little sister and little brother." I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my house. "Here we are." He grabbed his wrist. "You got a strong grip." He whined. I smiled. I opened the house door. Not long after Spot, Amy, and Andrew are at my feet. "Harry, meet Spot, Amy, and Andrew." He waved hello. "Whos that sissy?" Andrew said. "A friend. How bout you introduce yourself? You too Amy." They did. "There cute." Harry said. I smiled. "Yea. And annoying." He looked at me. "No there not!" He said playfully. I couldn't help but laughed. Harry bent down and picked up Amy. He looked at her then looked at me. "You both look alike." I sat down on the couch. Everyone did the same. "No we don't." He did the same again. Looked at Amy then me. "Yes. Same brown hair. Same Hazel eyes. Your both cute. And same sence of humor." With that he booped Amys nose. Which caused me and Amy to both giggle. "See." Id admit. If she was my age, we could be twins. Just then my mom came out to the living room. "Why are the kids so quiet. That never happens." She said yawning and streching. "Oh hi Mom." I said. "Hello Ma'am." Harry followed. She looked up. "Now i know why." After that i remembered Zach. "Mom can you go check on Zach for me?" She got quiet. "Mom." I knew she knew something. "Well.." She started. "Zach left earlier." She said quickly. I heard it clearly. Why did he leave. Where did he go. My body filled with worry and anger. "He did leave his pho-" "Where!" Her voice softened. "Your room." I dashed to my room. I found his phone next to a note. I red it.

Dear: Ashley,

I went out to get something to eat. I'll be back soon. Don't worry about me.

That made me feel alittle better. Then i heard a buzz. I looked at Zachs phone. A un-red message poped up.

Vanessa: Can't wait

I know its invading other peoples privacy by looking through there phone but i had to. Vanessa was like a sister to me.

I red all the messages and was now on my bed crying. Looking down at a broken phone on the floor. Zachs phone. How could he. How could she. I looked up. I saw a curly haired boy standing in the door frame. "Are you ok?" His green eyes filled with worry. "Hes. Hes." I couldn't talk. I pointed down to Zachs phone. Harry walked in and grabbed it. He red all the messages that showed through the cracked screen. I could see him filling with anger. "How could he do this to you!" He sat down next to me. He was shaking. I hugged him. He needed it more than me. "I don't know." I said softly. We heard the house door slam. At first we thought it was my mother leaving. That changed when we saw a smiling Zach come in the room. He looked around. "What happened in here?" He asked confused. Harry was about to get up but i stopped him. Zach looked down. "MY PHONE!" He went to pick it up. I got up and stood in front of him. He looked up at me. "Get your stuff and leave." I said calmly. "Where would i go? I lost my house key remember?" He looked confused. It got me mad. "Maybe yOU COULD GO TO VANESSAS HOUSE!" He looked away knowing what i said. "Shit!" He mumbled. He got his stuff and left. A bit after we heard the door slam. My mother came in my room. Followed by Amy, Andrew and spot. "Is everything ok?" She asked. "Yea." I said looking down. I looked at her. "Can i sleep over at Harrys house tonight?" I looked at Harry. He was bursting with joy, but he was hiding it. It made me smile. "Sure honey." My mom answered. "Come on Amy. Go take a bath. And Andrew your next." They all left. Other then spot. I picked him up. "Wanna meet my friend?" He barked. "Good. Meet Harry." I gave Harry Spot to hold. Spot didn't freak out. I was shocked. I shook it off and got my stuff. "Ready to go?" I asked. He placed Spot down. "Yea." We both left and went to his house.

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