Chapter 16

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(Ashleys P.O.V)

Melix just went home and Harry hasn't come back yet. I called his phone 3 times in a row. Where could he be! I began walking to the room I would sleep in. There was a knock on the door. Finally Harry's back! I looked through the peep whole. It wasn't Harry. It was Zayn. "Ashley! Come get Harry!" I opened the door. "Wait what?" I looked behind him. Harry was throwing up in the bushes. "Harry?" He looked up. "Ashley. Baby." He was drunk. "Im not your baby. Now come inside." He winked. "Not yet." I just had to laugh. "One, Get your ass in here. Second, Ill never be your baby. Ever." Harry just frowned and walked into the house. "Zayn can you please stay." He looked back at his car. "I have to bring Louis home." "He can stay too. I just want some help with Harry." Zayn just nodded and went to his car. Five minutes later Louis and Zayn come in the house. "Ash! When was the last time I saw to you!" "Shut up Lou." "Fine! Be a bitch!" "Zayn, If you like, you may take Louis home then come back." I laughed. Zayn shook his head. "Too much work mate."

  Louis didnt have a tough time getting comfy. Harry went to sleep. So did Zayn. "So its just me and you up now." Louis nodded eating popcorn. "What are you watching?" I looked at the screen. I knew exactly what was on. "Friday the 13th." He said quickly. "The original." He sat up. "How did y-" "I watch scary movies. Im not all that girly. Shocked?" He laughed. "Very." "Good." I saw him look at my lips. I did the same. His lips looked so soft. Before I knew it he was leaning closer and He kissed me. These was a smash and footsteps walking away. Then the door slamed. I pushed Louis away and ran to the room. Zayn was still asleep on the floor, But the bed was empty. That was Harry...

(Harry's P.O.V)

I don't know where im going but its away from Louis. How could he. I fucking warned. Wait till Ashley is out my house. His head will be on my wall.

  I managed to walk to Nialls house. Im staying here tonight. I heard my phone go off. It was Ashley.


Harry! Where did you go! You stormed out for no reason. May I ask why?

I didnt want to reply but I did.

You may ask but I wont answer. Ill be at a mates house tonight. See you tomorrow.

I turned off my phone.

"So they really Ki-" I growled. "Remind me again and I will smash your head instead of his."

"Ok!  Calm down. I wont."



Okay i kno its short , but i just really wanted to update before my Spring break is over. BYE Lovelys! ~♥

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