[chapter 1]

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"Leave me alone!" I quietly grunted. I didn't have any guts to stand up to Addison. I tried to escape her grip by twisting and turning. But of course, she wanted revenge in her mind full of hatred just to be satisfied.

It isn't my fault that I put her in detention. She was picking on me. I tried to avenge her, and I slapped her. She obviously bitch slapped me back, leading teachers to believe we were fighting, physically. Which I guess we were, but I was doing it on terms of self defense. Addison was just being a spiteful bully.

"Aw. Abigail is scared?" Addison fake gasped, sarcastically stating she was feeling sorry for me.

"Let's see here.." Addison abruptly let go of me, causing me to tumble back into a wall. She picked up my backpack and started going through my things. She picked up a picture of my dead mother and I.

"Poor little Abigail. With no mother." Addison circled around me holding the picture in her hands.

"Do you need this? I guess you'll have to come get it."

"Stop. Don't mess around with that." I exclaimed while picking up my fallen book bag. I looked back and saw Addison being cruel once again and tearing away little bits of my picture. I stood up, and brushed myself off. By the time I picked up my backpack, I knew I shouldn't waste my time on getting the picture back. It was long gone. With tears in my eyes, I didn't look back and trudged out the door.

I headed home slowly and alone. I felt lonely. I experienced this emotion quite often during this year, due to Addison. She's a rotten bitch and she'll do anything to get what she wants. I never did anything to hurt her, and I never despised her. Maybe that's the reason she started to pick on me. Maybe I was just an easy target.

When I returned home, I found no one inside. It was typically what happened everyday. My dad is always out and about, partying with friends at the age of 35. He doesn't give a damn about me. Well ever since mom passed away. I was born during my parents college days. They slowly and gradually became financially stable overtime, but my childhood was mostly spent in a raggedy house with cheap ass food.

I walked upstairs to my room, stumbling on the carpeted steps on our stairway. I plopped onto my bed and just payed there for a while. I decided to gather myself and stop being depressed. I picked up my phone to FaceTime my best friend, Katie. She always knew how to comfort me miraculously being the only one that understands.

Instead of scrolling through hundreds of contact names, I manually typed her number in.

Weird. She didn't answer. Very unlike her. I tried again.

I heard the very familiar zooming sound when someone answers your FaceTime call. I slyly smiled to myself while closing my eyes. Finally, someone to talk to after a drastic day.

I opened my eyes only to find this boy in a black hoodie. His hair was this luscious blonde, all shifted over to one side. His eyes were a deep brown, very beautiful and eye catching. He had a confused look on his face.

I just stared at him, dumbfounded and at a loss of words. "U-um sorry. I probably dialed the wrong number."

"Are you okay?" He questioned. Why would he ask that? Then, I remembered I had bloodshot eyes and I probably looked disgusting right now.

No. " Yeah, I'm alright." I lied. "Sorry, you had to see me like this. I mean you don't even know me and um-"

"No need to apologize." He chuckled slightly.

"Sorry." I felt my cheeks filling up with redness from the embarrassment.

"Stop being sorry."

"Sor- um I meant okay."

"Well, you're probably wondering who I am. I'm Jace. Jace Norman." I stared at his facial expression. He seemed to look surprised for not knowing who he was.

"I'm Abigail." I gave him a slight smile. I was feeling better than before.

"Do you want to talk about it? I know you don't know me but you seem pretty upset."

"It's just..."

"Sorry I asked. I shouldn't have."

"No it's fine." I grinned at him letting him know it was okay. "I'm not having the best life as of now."

"Oh well let's talk about different things to take your mind off of it."

For the next half hour, we talked about good things in life. For a whole 30 minutes, I smiled. Not a fake one I plastered on my face, I was actually smiling. I laughed, I grinned, I giggled. I actually engaged in conversation for once.

"I have a question for you." I asked.


"Why are you so nice? Why did you just spend the last half hour taking my mind off my sadness? Why waste your time on me?"

"Well, beautiful things should be bright and happy." He smiled.

"Well, you helped me overcome my sadness for a while. Thank you."

"No need to be thanked."

"Listen , I have to go." Jace said.


"Talk again soon?"

"You have my number." I told him, then I heard the familiar three beeps indicating someone left a FaceTime.

I felt a sly bit of despair, but I grinned from ear to ear. For once, I experienced delight and joy. I never wanted this content feeling to go away. I pressed my phone to my chest and laid back in my bed, waiting for the next time I got to talk to Jace.


A/N: hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Sorry if it was boring, I swear it'll get better.

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