[chapter 2]

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I woke up, feeling different than normal. Instead of my boring and dull regularly morning routine, I glided out my patio. It was very humid outdoors today. I inhaled the fresh air into my lungs and admired the beauty of nature.

After a good 5 minutes, I headed back in, having to go where I dreaded the most. School.

"Kill me already." I mumbled to myself as I walked up the stairs to get to my room. I clumsily entered and tripped over one of my shoes.

"Fuck." I whimpered. I must look like a fool talking to myself. I dug my hand into my closet and grabbed the first thing I touched. I pulled out my hand to find a white shirt. I paired it with some ripped skinny jeans.

At this point, I didn't even pay attention to my outfits, it's not like anybody cared. The dull-witted Addison ruined it all. No one even dared to look at me.

I grabbed my backpack and trudged downstairs. I went into my kitchen to eat some breakfast. My dad was already in there.

"Hey dad." I muttered. I could smell booze. He was either drunk or hungover from last night. I wasn't surprised.

"Who told you to talk to me?" He rudely said. He scoffed and wandered away to our living room.

I'm sorry I'm trying to make conversation with my father. I said it in my own head. I didn't need anything ruining my day. I definitely didn't need anyone destructing the little bit of happiness from last night.

I devoured my eggs and bacon before I left the house to walk to school.

I slowly shut the door trying not to make any sound in case my dad was sleeping. Yes, he was disrespectful, insulting and offensive to me, but he is my dad after all. And I love him. He was on a psychotic break after my mother's death. I believed he would return one day back to his normal self.

I sighed heavily and walked into the doors of Eastville High. I quietly found a spot in the corner of the lobby of the school waiting for the bell to ring for class.

"Hey Abigail!" My best friend Katie had found me. I consider her to be my best friend because technically, she's my only friend at the moment. Katie has been here since the start. Before Addison turned every single fucking person against me. Katie stood by my side and didn't leave. People bash her for even talking to me, but she ignores it and continues to be my friend. That's what I love about her.

"Hey Katie!" I give her a playful grin.

"I didn't finish any of my homework last night!" We both laughed.

"Well, you know I'm a goodie two shoes. I finished all of mine, it was a pain in the ass though."

The bell rang.

"I'll catch up with you later Abigail."

"Okay bye."

First, second and third period went by pretty quickly. Then came fourth. I absolutely terrified and frightened everyday to walk into that class. That was the class with Addison.

As soon as I walked in, the insults began.

"Oh my god guys. Applaud for Abigail! The worlds greatest loser!" Of course, the whole class obliged. Everyone started clapping. It was like everyone was playing follow the leader. Everything Addison did, everyone followed.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." I gave her a smile and sat down.

More insults spit out her mouth, she threw paper and pencils where I was sitting, but I plastered a fake smile on my face and pretended like nothing was wrong.

I ran home after school as fast as I could. I didn't stop to talk to anyone and I sure did not look back.

I crashed onto my bed and curled up into a little ball. I was on the verge of tears, again. Whatever little bit of happiness I had was gone.

Frustrated, I screamed into my pillow wishing that life would be over for me soon. I can't live another day like this. I pulled my phone out and pressed my FaceTime app. I hovered my finger over Jace's number, questioning whether or not to click on it. He was probably weird or creeped out by me already. He doesn't even know me and here I am, trying to call him.

Without even thinking, I clicked on his contact name. I bit my lip nervously, hoping that he would answer. I hung up after he didn't answer. I sighed and fell back onto my bed again.

*ringtone sound*

I quickly grabbed my phone and answered. Jace called me back.

"Came back for more eh?" He joked.

"Well, you're quite the sass master." I smiled.

"So. You never told me what you're into. Tell me about yourself."

"I guess I'm girlish but I'm not too perky. I swear, I'm the biggest fan girl of One Direction that you'll ever meet. And as far as sports, I'm more of a Netflix type. How about you?"

"I'm not that interesting. I guess I'm pretty athletic and stuff." Jace stopped talking for a moment and hesitated. He finally spoke again.

"And. I also act."

"Woah, and actor. You're full of surprises." I was pretty interested in him being an actor.

"So, do you do theatre or?"

"Nah, it's no big deal."

"Oh, okay. It seems pretty cool."

Another half hour just zoomed by with us just talking about the randomist things. It was a lovely conversation even though it was somewhat boring.

"There's something I should confess actually." Jace stated. I heard my garage door open and it was my dad. He was going to just embarrass me in front of Jace by being utterly rude and immature.

"I'm pretty sure what you have to say is interesting, but I really have to go even though I don't want to." Without waiting for Jace to say anything back, I hovered my finger above the end call button and hung up on him.

A/N: hey guys! Sorry I took so long on updating. And also, sorry Jace wasn't in most of this chapter. He'll gradually become involved in everything, but you'll have to wait a couple chapters.

I still have PCD from my 1D concert and it's been almost a month :(. I really wish Jace would have a meetup or something in NYC because I would go right away.

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments and reads! I didn't expect so much on the first chapter.

The Accidental FaceTime || Jace NormanWhere stories live. Discover now