CHAPTER 3 Vampire mate.

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A/N: what I imagine Damien looking like but with the other hair.

I wake up and get ready, do my chores, eat, and then play with the kids.

I get a text from Liha that she's outside and so I say bye and run out to her. "Hey." I said, sliding into the passenger side. "Hey, you excited?" She asks with a smile. "Totally."


We enter the mall and go to get some smoothies. "Uhh... So freaking good!" Liha exclaims. I laugh. "Your so weird."  I nudge her shoulder. "Says the girl who won't show her hair." She nudges me back. I pull my hood lower and stuff a loose strand back in.

"Why don't you show your hair?" She asks. "Uh.." I really don't want to tell her. At least not yet. "It's okay, you don't have to answer." I smile thankfully at her. "So? Stencils?" She asks. "Yep let's go-" Some one bumps into me, 'causing sparks to flow through and for me to fall on my butt. I quickly make sure my hood hasn't fallen.

  "What the f*ck!" I yell, 'causing dirty looks from parents and for them to cover there kids ears. A strong arm appears in front of me and I blink, blink so I can make sure it's real. I look up at a handsome face. Like we're talking handsome.

   Strong jaw, brown/ red hair, green/red eye's and well built. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking were I was going." He flashes a perfect row of teeth at me. "Uh..." I scramble up, not taking his hand.

  "Carter! I thought you were at track practice!" Liha yells at him. "Yeah, it was canceled." He says rubbing his neck. "Whatever. Carter this is Damien." Liha motions to me. "Hi." I mumble. "Hi." He says back.

  "So, uh, how do you two know each other?" I ask them. "Oh, we're brothers and sister." Liha chirps. I gawk at them. Carter was like, 6'4 and well built and Liha was at least 5'3 and blond. "Oh, we're adopted siblings." Liha quickly explained, I nodded in understanding.  I couldn't help but sneak a glance at Carter. He was smiling like an idiot at me, making me look quickly at my feet.

"Stencils?" I asks Liha, hoping we could leave the presence of him. "Yup. Carter? Want to come?" Liha asks. I shake my head at her, giving her pleading eye's. His presence was so strong and made me feel weird.

  "Sure, I walked over and mom and dad don't know I'm here." He smiles at me. I quickly grab my bag that fell and start walking to the art store. "Um.. Dai," I look back at her. "Art store's this way." She points in the opposite direction. I groan and start walking in that direction.

"She's special." I hear Carter whisper, 'causing me to blush.

I walk in and head for the stencil paper. I grab as many packages as I can and go to pay. The zit faced boy that was on the announcements yesterday is standing there, behind the counter and is starring at Liha. I clear my throat. "Here." I hand him the money and walk out.

"She can do that?" Carter whispers from behind. "Nope. But she does." Liha says happily. "What else should I know about her?" Carter asks. I spin on my heel and let out a growl.

"Are you done talking about me?" I snap. Liha looks down at her feet and shifts from foot to foot. "Don't snap at her." Carter takes a protective stance in front of her. I growl at him. "She's my friend. It wasn't like I was going to hurt her. And maybe it's you I need to snap at. You seem extremely interested in me and my life." I snap at him. We glare at each other and then he smirks. "Yeah, whatever." He waves me off and walks away. I huff and growl at his retreating back. I look at Liha and smile.

"Sorry, anger problems." I tell her. She smiles at me. "It's okay. Carter's really protective. And he can't control his anger." She smiles bigger and links her arm with mine. "Now, I need to go to the book store!" She squeals. "What book are you getting?" I asks her as we walk. "The house of night novel: Book 4: Untamed." I smile again. "Sounds good. I'll buy it." Her eye's light up and she goes into giving me a brief description of the series and about all the cute boys in the book.

We walk into the book store and she drags me to the book series we're looking for. She grabs book 1 and 4 and goes to the cash. I pull out a 20 and she does the same, giving the lady the cash and taking our books. we walk out and stop.

"Let me guess, he's a lady's man." I roll my eye's at him. "Flirting with girls. Does he take away there innocence too?" I ask her and she giggles. "Used to. But something tells me he has an eye on a girl." I stare at her. Who did she mean? "Carter!" She yells. He looks over at us but a girl snags his attention.

"Urgh." She groans and walks to the group of swarming girls. She gets up in his face and gives him a pointed look. They talk (More like yell) silently at each other and eventually he sighs and tells the girls away.

They walk up to me and he smiles at me. Like we didn't just have a fight. "A lady's man is an understatement." I tap a finger to my chin. "He's more like a player." I smirk. His smile disappears and he whispers, "What did you tell her." In a growl. She shrugs. "I told her the truth. That's what I do." I scoff at him. "Even if she didn't tell me I could've figured it out on my own." Then I added, "Not like it's hard to notice." And I grab her hand and walk away, heading for the parking lot.

They drop me off around the corner (not wanting them to see were I live and all) when Carter get's out and grabs my wrist. Sparks run up my arm and through my body. I could hear Liha groan. "What Carter? I do have some where to be." I snap. "I'm not like that any more. I've got my eye's on a prize." He smirks before bringing me to his chest and kissing me softly. The sparks spreed through my body and the pleasure and joy appear. And a new feeling. Desire. Like there was a switch I instantly forget about being angry and kiss him back. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss.

I moan softly and lick his bottom lip. My eye's snap open and I pull away. I shake my head in shock and tell him. "I'm not a girl to fall at the bat of an eye and give my self to you. Bye." And I run off. I run into the house and up to my unfinished room.

I fall on my bed and cry. Cry for the first time in 8 years. I miss his touch and the feel of his skin, the softness of his lips.They were all so wonderful. I cry until a nock is on my door. "Come in." I croak.

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