CHAPTER 2. Secrets Of My Life.

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A/N: a picture of Dia's hair.

Liha's POV

I walked into the house that night ad my "mom", Esme, was there. "Hi Esme." I smiled.

"Where were you." She asks, crossinmg her arms over her chest.

"Um.. I skipped class... But to hang with the new girl." I say quickly. She smiles and and answers, "Okay, dinners ready." She smiles and leads me to the dining room.

My "dad", Conner, my "sisters", Kara and Lisa, and my "brothers", "Max and... Carter isn't even there. Esme groans. "Where's Carter?" She asks. "Don't know."Conner says. "well let's eat."

Just as we sit Carter rushes in. "Carter what's wrong?" Conner asks. Carter sits, a huge grin on his face. "I think I found my mate." He says happily. We all look up at him, Esme with a smile, Conner with a smirk, Max wiggling his eyebrows, Kara with a lit up face, and Lisa with a 'oh wow, good for you' look. "Who?" I ask.

"I think it's the new kid," I stop. "The new kid?" Max asks, Carter nods. "Yeah, my hand brushed hers and I felt that... That spark, and I wanted to hold her and.. And make her mine." He laughed. "I sound so cheesy." He said shaking his head.

"It's okay, you're in love." I say happily.
"Thanks!" He smiles over at me, I smile back through a mouthful of spaghetti.

"How can you be sure?" Lisa asks. "Uh.. Well I'm not." He looks at me. "Your friends' with her right?" I nod. "Good, then you can help me." I nod.

    "Tomorrow at school ask her to go to the mall this weekend and I'll bump into her, hopefully I'm right." He says and sighs the last part.

   "Awesome." Max, Kara and I say at the same time.

Damien's POV

I woke up and smiled. Actually smiled. I got up and dressed then headed to breakfast. All the kids, Anne, Robin and Marcus all stopped eating and looked up at me in shock.

"Mornin'" I said simply, sitting down next to Julia and tickling her. "Stop it Dia!" She laughed. I stopped and started to eat. "Why are you so happy?" Marcus, the sports coach (he makes sure we get physical activity), asks. "I made a friend yesterday and I'm excited to see her." I told them.

"Can we meat her?" Evan asks. "Yes, eventually." I tell him. "See you tonight!" I yell from the doorway and started to skate down the street.

   I walked in the front doors, smile gone. A perfect glare was placed on my face. I popped my locker open and started taking out my books. "Hey." I look back. "Hey, Liha, what's up?" I asks. Just as she's about to talk when the morning announcements come on the tv screen.

   "Let's skip the boring stuff and skip to the good stuff." A nerdy kid with zits said. "In latest news, there was a new town vandalized alleyway, we have a picture, here it is." A picture of my art work pops up on the screen.

   "The art work says, "It's not street art plain old vandalism" with the artists initials D.M. Painted at the bottom."

"Wow, awesome." Liha breathes.

"The police are looking for this D.M. And will be arrested right away." My stomach did a flip. My artwork was all around town but this one must've set them off. I mentally shrugged, I haven't  gotten caught before.

   "Let's go." I dragged Liha through the crowd of people.

"What? I want to watch it." Liha complained.

"Why? 'Cause class starts soon and I need to be there." I said dryly.

"Uhg, fine." She waves and walks to her class. I wave back and start towards my class.

I walk into the cafeteria and go straight for Liha. As I walk by every kid I pass, leans inward, away from me.

I sit down and munch on my sandwich. "Hey." Liha says happily. I look up at her. "Hey, what's up?" I ask. "Do you want to go to the mall tomorrow?" She asks. "Sure, I need some stencil paper." I say with a shrug. "Cool."

We start to walk to class after lunch, talking about how were starting hockey in Gym. "I suck at sports." She complains. "Oh, you can't be that bad." I tell her. "Easy god you to say, I've seen you on your board." She tells me.

I'm about to tell her that it wasn't easy and it takes practice, but the hair on my neck stands up, making me freeze. A hand brushes mine and takes my finger, giving it a squeeze, sending sparks going up my arm and through my body, before letting go and walking away.

"What was that about?" Liha asks. I shake my head. "Nothing." I mumble and continue walking. "Just excited for tomorrow." I tell her and she smiles. "Same here." She says linking her arm with mine.

The Local Bad Girl. #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now