CHAPTER 5 Watch your back.

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"Amber Monica Rockcliff!" I yell and she flinches.

"Ye-yeah?" She said shakily. "Come with me." I point out and she walks, head down. We walk into Anne's office and I close the door. "We talked about this yesterday and now here you are! I walk in and your throwing your phone and using the word player!" I yell and she flinches again. "Sorry." She mumbles. "Your better be." I say sternly and cross my arms over my chest.

"It's not that bad of a word." She mumbles. "Oh h*ll it's not but there's little 5 and 6 year olds in this house!" I yell again. I take a breath. "This is your last warning." She nods. "You do have some consequences." I tell. She nods. "Extra chores and we'll see about grounding. I hear this isn't the only time it's happened." She looks up at me. "Go apologize to John." I tell her, opening the door. "Yes, Damien."

I walk around, looking for Anne and putting the kids to bed. I run into Anne in the kitchen. She's sitting in her chair sipping her tea and reading Romeo and Juliet. "Anne? Could I talk to you?" I ask, taking a seat in front of her. "Course hon. What's up?" She asks like a mother. "It's about Amber." I tell her warily. "Amber?" She asks and one eye of her eye brows shots up.

"Yeah, I think she needs to be grounded." I tell her. "Grounded?" She says in disbelief. "Yes, she's been throwing her phone and using the "p" word." Automatically she understands. We use the "p" word as in "player" 'cause that's Anne's least favorite word. She's fine with swear words but not the "p" word. Strange, right? "I see. I'll speak with her about grounding tomorrow." She sighs. "I told her she also has extra chores. Oh,and maybe she shouldn't go any where other than school." I suggest. Anne nods and pats my hand.

"Go get some sleep. Second week of school tomorrow." She smiles warmly. I smile back and stand and start walking out of the room. "Oh, and Damien?" I look back at her. "I know you skipped school." I groan and head up the stairs.

I get to my room, get changed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.


I woke up and groaned. Monday. Joy to the world. I pull my self up to a sitting position, crossing my legs under me, when my door opens and a excited Julia come skipping in. She jumps on my bed and bounce up and down. "Julia? What is it?" I ask her frantically. "Look outside!" She yells as the other kids come to fill my door from; with smiles on their faces. I get up and go to my window and pull the curtains away.

Outside was covered in a blanket of fluffy covered snow. I smiled widely and turned to them. "Snow day!" Julia said excitedly. "Yes!" We all shouted. "Come on, let's eat then we can go play." I said clapping my hands together. They all cleared out and I sighed. "Time to pull out my winter wardrobe." I muttered.

I took out a white long sleeve shirt, some uggs, blue jeans, and a beige sweater. I looked over my self in my mirror. "Perfect." I ran down stairs and sat at the table with the other kids.

"Your already for today." Anne chuckled. "Well, we, want to, play, outside." Liam said through mouth fulls. We all finished with in 10 minutes and ran outside. Snow was falling and continued to cover the ground like a white fluffy blanket was draped across the earth.

I tilted my head up and closed my eye's. I let the snow flakes fall on my cheeks and eye lashes. Peace. That was all I needed and- My peace was interrupted with a snowball that hit my back. "Dude, you're in soo much trouble." I heard John say. I looked back at them and glowered.

"It's on!" I yelled and started to make a snowball and throw it at Kylen. "Snowball fight!" One of the kids yelled. And so our winter fun began. We broke into teams and started to throw snow balls at each other, hiding behind the snow doons. Amber was hit in the forehead and I broke into laughter.

The Local Bad Girl. #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now