Intimate Moments

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The year was 2004 and it was time for another Selena album to come out and this time it was personal. The album was called momentos intimos which means in English intimate moments. This release had the last song Selena ever recorded😢. It's called puedo sear it's amazing and I am glad the family pit it on this release because it just a gem. The whole album is like a ballad album with a few up tempo songs including the new one. I think it once of their best releases since the todos mis exitos CD's. It got that mix of English and Spanish that I have come to expect from Selena releases. It just nice to add a new Selena cd to my ever growing collection. I don't play the CD much anymore but once in a while I will play it just to take me to a time where I got excited to hear something new from my queen.

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