I Followed

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Authors note: This my first story on Wattpad and I don't know how to do anything. If people could tell me tips in the comments that would be great ;) 

And also, I don't know if people are reading my story, and if they like it, so If you read it just leave a comment saying areas of improvement  



I did nothing. If it wasn't for them, I would be so much happier now.

~~Twelve or so years earlier~~

"Where is it?!" Nagged Rythian 

"Where's what?" I mumbled, obviously saddened 

"My katar! Someone's taken it off me!" His voiced heightened into a shout  

"Please stop shouting. Just calm down. Please." My sadness didn't block itself out, rather, it made itself stronger and a single, strong tear formed inside my golden eye. 

"I'm sorry. I'll calm. It's just the news. It's made an impact. I'm sorry. I love you." Rythian confesses. I savour the words, because at any moment one of us could die. We recently found out that an unborn child resides inside me, a baby that almost cannot exist. If two halflings create a child, then anything could happen. Halflings had never met before me and Rythian. There are more like us, but no one knows where. Sir Sjin wants the baby dead, as it could rise up and kill his infant in later years. I would never teach my child such a thing, but Sjin doesn't realise that. He's locked his daughter and Minty in a comfy safe house, and declared war on Rythian and Duncan. That's a plus. We have Duncan. Such a great help in all our years of struggle, I truly admire him.

I wake from my thoughts, and find Rythian searching through a chest. He doesn't seem anxious or angry anymore, and I am content about that. "Rythian?" I request

"Yes, Zoey?" He turns around and walks a few steps closer.  

"What will we do?" I step closer to him, a matter of centimetres away from him now. 

"I don't know. But remember; at least you're safe, at least I'm safe, and at least the baby's safe" 

I smile. This is all I need. But he lifts my head by my chin and kisses me, as if it were our first kiss again. Suddenly, a sound explodes from our right side. My ears collapsed in agony but Rythian seems unaffected by it. He kisses me a few seconds longer before he says "Get Tee, and go to the safe house. If you get lost, ask Tee. He should have a map."  

"What? Rythian? Wait!" I shout above the noise of alarms going off and men shouting to evacuate the Queen. 

Before I can even say goodbye, he is running off into a blurred hallway. It is only blurred by my tears, and Tee drags me away to some underground tunnels before I can call his name one last time. 

"RYTHIAN!" I scream as Tee stops me from squirming out of his strong grip. I didn't want him to die. 

I screamed for Rythian, as Tee carried me away fearfully. He was sad too, I could tell, but always looked on the bright side, and knew this was for the best. After a few hours, my throat was sore, and my eyelids were heavy. Tee grumbled, as if to say 'Dont go to sleep', and I followed his orders. We soon came out of the boring grey tunnel, and emerged in a way that snapped the silence, and I noticed a hint of black among the greenery of the island. The island itself reminded me of Lomadia's, but I knew it wasn't hers. "Hey Tee... Can you check that out?" I question with all the energy I can (Not much), pointing towards the... Building? I wasn't sure.

"Who's there!?" A voice piped up. I didn't recognise this voice, and I knew almost everyone in the world. "I'm not scared!" The person bravely shouted. I noticed it was a woman's voice. 

She sounded scared.  

She sounded terrified. 

She sounded just like me.

I told Tee to continue forward, and we soon saw a well equipped young woman with brown hair. She had a streak of blonde at the front of her head, and had lovely blue eyes. I felt like I recognised these eyes, as if they were eyes I couldn't of forgotten.  

"Madam Zoeya? It's... It's been so long!" She excitedly ran up to me and hugged me, before apologising and backing off, "It's been a while... You probably don't remember me"

A loud noise hit me. After having only just recovered from the first ear killer, this came as a shock. Why does this always happen to us? Tee turned quickly, and went to where we came crashing in. He let out a roar of annoyance and ran back.  

"What? A cave-in? Impossible!" The brunette stared at Tee in disbelief, and I stared at her in disbelief. How did she know what Teep was saying? I needed answers 

"Who are you?" I almost shouted. I had been unaware of my energy that was hiding away, until I came up to this woman for answers. 

"Me? I'm Rata, don't you remember?"  

"...No. I don't have a clue who you are." I replied truthfully 

"I'm Rythian's- You're sure you don't remember me?" 

I sigh frustratingly. This was getting us nowhere.  

"Listen, I need shelter. Apparently, the safe house is situated on this island. Where is it?"  

"It's right up here" She explains and points towards the black dot we were going to go to originally. I release another sigh of impatience and annoyance, and walk down a steep hill towards the house. 

"Well, how did we meet?" I ask awkwardly, trying to break the ice on the short trek back 

"Rythian introduced me to you, said you were his apprentice and wanted to learn magic. It's strange that you don't remember, we took loads of photos..." Her voice trailed off, and I looked into her eyes. I liked looking into people's eyes. But this was different. It was as if I was forced to look. What I saw shocked me, and I did a gasp that made my gold eyes widen, almost as if I'd yawned 

"What is it?" She questioned, unaware of the problem 

"Yo-You're eyes.. They, they're purple." I stuttered 


"I only know one other with eyes like that." 

"My brother?" She guessed 

"No, my boyfriend. His eyes are amazing. Blue if you take a glance, but violet if you stare too long" 

"Oh really? This night gets better and better! First I see Zoeya again, and now her boyfriend is a halfling!" She laughed.  

I realised that we had been standing outside the house the past two minutes. I looked up and saw a three story basalt brick house glaring down at me, and wondered which room was mine.  

"I can't believe your boyfriend is a halfing. Especially an Ender halfling! They're so rare, and it's rare enough that you and Rythian met. Even rarer that I could meet a halfling brother's halfling apprentice's halfling boyfriend! If you understand." She giggles at the last part. This girl is my kind of crazy. She's pretty cool as well. I processed what she said. 

"Wait, halfling brother? Rythian is your brother?" I am bewildered at the things happening around me. 

"Yes, why?"  

"Rythian is my boyfriend." I admit. Her jaw drops and she lets out a little whimper. Should I have told her that? She seems... Shocked to say the least, but then her open mouth curls intl a face of pure happiness. She hugs me. And doesn't let go. She smells like Rythian. I hug her back. Rythian... Where was he? He could be dead right now. Would my child ever know about him? Could I ever get the love of my life back? Can I save him like he saves me all the time? Or will he die? My head fills with questions and images of a dead corpse, Rythian's dead corpse. I shudder, and start to cry.

I FollowedWhere stories live. Discover now