I Trusted

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~~Zoey's POV~~

Sitting on the couch, in Rythian's arm, I skim mindlessly through his book. I don't read it, I'm too busy listening to Rythian, and Anna sleeps contently in my arms.

"So, you know, I feel like... I feel like my family are just turning against me." Rythian tries to explain. "What can I do?"

"Well, you could... You could tell them that an angel the size of Dunwall is coming, and we should admit everything we've ever thought to save ourselves!" I look at him enthusiatically.

He laughs, and squeezes me close to him. "That won't work, I just need to know that I can trust these two. I mean, Sips and Duncan? How will that work out in the castle?"

"You got along well a few months ago." I put the book on the floor in front of me, and wrap my arms around Anna. "What changed since Duncan became about seven years younger and the war stopped?"

"Well, I guess nothing. If anything, things have gotten better." Rythian confessed.

"You see! I'm hungry." I gently unravel my arms from Anna, and slip out from in between her and Rythian. I need food.

What should I get... The biscuits or the cola?

The cola. I pour myself a drink and walk back into the living room.

"I thought you were hungry?" Rythian smiles and sits up.

"Eh, I just wanted to move. I like moving. Things have been so boring! When did we last go to the Nether?" I ask excitedly.

"You know what happened last time we went to the Nether." He raises an eyebrow. "And anyway, things will be boring until Anna's old enough to come on adventures."

I sigh, and stare lovingly at my little girl. Won't be long until she's old enough. It will be Rythian, Anna and I, Zoeya, brave explorers!

But we'll be royalty, and have to look after our Kingdom. I liked it when Rythian was prince, and we ran away for the day with some food, and had picnics in the wood. But not anymore. Now we have to stay in the castle, and look after everyone. We have Duncan. Duncan can look after the Kingdom for a week or so, can't he?

I wish I'd had the biscuits.

I pick Anna up, and silently take her to bed, trying not to stir her. I then head down to the mine, and think about the nuke. It's all a blur, really. Rythian telling me to be safe, Fishton, wherever he is, telling me that he can't help, he's a harmonica fish. Then total darkness. But I awoke, falling. I fell into a lake, like I did when I was born. I didn't remember that far back, stories around the village revealed that fact. I was so happy that the village didn't think of me as a halfing, I would probably be banished if they knew. Instead, they just thought I was mental, and never once suspected my Mother a Blaze.

I pondered for a while, before hearing a noise behind me as I looked into remenants of the crater.

"Zoey?" Ducan calls behind me cautiously.

"Hey, Duncan." I turn and smile at him. He settles next to me, legs hanging off the edge, into a ten metre drop.

"Are you okay? I've never properly asked, since I was busy being dead and you were busy giving birth." He jokes quietly.

"Yeah, I'm cool. I was just thinking about the nuke." I close my eyes.

"Ah, yes, sorry about that." His smile disappears and he looks at me.

"No, that wasn't your fault. That was old Duncan. Stupid, ignorant Duncan. But I think new Duncan's cool." I start swaying my legs forward and back off the egde of this crater.

We stay in silence for a second, locked in our own thoughts, before Duncan gets up and says goodbye. I search in my bag for Holly and Frank, the two mushrooms that I'm taking everywhere this week, and place them down next to me, where Duncan was just sat.

~~Rythian's POV~~

Things are better. Duncan has learnt his lesson, and is now redoing his life, and Sjin has no reason to hate me, the war's over. Sips can stay here. Everything is going well, and yet I still feel anxious. What's wrong? Something is. I'm magic, why can't I tell what's wrong? Then I hear Anna crying upstairs. I know Zoey will be busy talking to mushrooms or something, so I go up myself.

"Hey... little girl, don't cry." I sooth her as she rests in my arms. She's stopped crying, but I won't let go. I bounce her gently, and hold her close to me. She's so warm, yet so small. How can someone of this size emmit such warmth? Maybe it's Zoey. She's so warm, because she's a blaze halfing.

"Could I hold her?" Tara asks from the doorframe. She must've been watching for a while now, clever girl.

"Yeah, sure. Come in." I look up at her for a split second before looking down again, at my little baby girl. Tara comes up next to me, and pokes Anna's nose lovingly. I pass the young child to my niece's arms, and she is natural at holding her.

A loud knock from downstairs disrupts the silence, and I leave Tara in the room with Anna as I jog down the stairs. I open the door to find Sjin himself stood in on the steps, drenched from the rain that hammered down sorrowfully.

"Sjin?" I spit in his face, yet with a confused twist. Why is he here? What does he want? Is he here to cause trouble?


A/N: Firstly, I have a new friend >:)

Nah, it's one of my best mates. She got a new account and is writing a love story. GIVE HER SOME LOVE! Her name is BlueKaleidoscope, mmkay? Just check her out.

Secondly, last chapter doesn't have a name. I would like a name! It needs to be 'I Somethinged.' It needs to be a verb, only ONE WORD. Thank you!

Emelia :)x

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