I Hurt

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A/N: Hey, sorry if this chapter is full of mistakes. My sister won't stop singing, and it's difficult to concentrate.

Sorry guys!

~~Rythian's POV~~

I couldn't remember much about how I got injured. My scar was nowhere to be seen, to my amazement. Zoey had magic inside her that had never come out in such a strong spell. He was very proud of her magical ability, despite her love for science. Her arm started regrowing skin, and now it looked like a human arm, not a contraption found in a lab. This pleased me, as every day I woke up to find green LED lights flashing in my face, but not anymore

"Can I stay here? Like, forever?" Zoey questioned

"Yeah, and maybe I could stay too?" Rata added hopefully "As long as you don't mind Tara coming"

"I would love that!" I said, a lot happier now that Zoey was by my side. "How old is Tara now? About sixteen, right?"

"Yeah, it's her seventeenth birthday in April. She grows up so fast! And she'll love hanging around with Uncle Rythian" She laughs at the last part, as if being sarcastic. This doesn't really offend me (Even though I am awesome) and I squeeze out a smile

"That's a problem though, because the safe house will be unguarded. She can't fend a whole three story house. I guess it isn't too big of a deal, even I've forgotten where the island is. I think it's near Nilesy, but I can't really remember." I scratch my head, and remember a moment me and Zoey had a year ago

"I won't need this. I remember everything." I say, acting cocky.

"You will need it! I swear you will! Don't chuck it in the lava for goodness sake." Zoey replies, blocking the lava pit

"If I chuck it out, people won't find us when they raid the castle. Don't forget, we will be living it up on a tropical island." I chuckle. I teleport behind Zoey, and throw the map into the orange glow of heat before Zoey notices I'm behind her

"Hey!" She says, annoyed, but smiles and nudges me anyway

I sigh, thinking of times before the war, which started 6 months ago, and get up to train some new soldiers. Before I leave, Zoey asks me something

"How did you get sliced with an Ender Bane?"

"I, uhh, don't remember. I fell unconscious after being sliced, and the last thing I can remember is being with Duncan."

~~Zoey's POV~~

With Duncan? Surely he wouldn't... No, it could never happen. After Rythian left, I turned to Rata

"Duncan wouldn't... You know, would he?" I purposefully left out the words 'stab' and 'kill', because them words didn't compute with my brain.

"Nah, he doesn't have the guts to." Rata replied, laughing to herself.

"Well, he has planted a nuke under the castle before. That takes a lot of guts." I am not pursuading Rata, I'm pursuading myself. Duncan is just too perfect. He has to have at least ONE flaw.

"Yeah... But why would he try to kill Rythian? I reckon jealousy has a big part in it. He always looked at Rythian funny, even as a kid. Rythian being treated differently because he was a prince really angered Duncan. One time, he punched Rythian right in the face, and when Rythian laughed it off, he had a massive row with him" Rata explained, suddenlt turning serious.

I thought of Duncan. Of his bright blue eyes and funny goggles, and how cute he was when he tried to get machinery working. And then I thought of the time when I ran away, and left Rythian alone. And then I thought of the sadness in his eyes when Duncan talked about my visit. I had left Rythian for Duncan. For Lalna. For a scientist. I am now a scientist. I now work with gadgets and wires, and other things Rythian hates. Why can't I just show Rythian my inventions without him forcing a smile? Duncan is really proud of my work. Says I'm a brilliant scientist and to not worry about what Rythian says.

How can I not worry about Rythian not caring?

Duncan cares.

Duncan loves me.

What was I saying? Rythian was my boyfriend, the one who, although not liking my science work, loved me, nurtured me, spent all of his magic on me, literally brought me back from the dead. He was the father of my child, and he was the one I loved. But Duncan...

"Hey, I need to go." I quickly rushed out of the now-stuffy room, and sprinted up the stairs of the castle tower. I got to the door at the top of the tower, and knocked casually. Well, that's what I was aiming for.

"Yello!" Duncan opened his door and smiled at the sight of me.

"Hey Duncan! Sorry if it's a bit of a bad time, but I'd love a chat!" I smile and walk in, without an answer from him. I looked at the room. "Has this room changed?"

"Yeah, did a bit of redecorating this morning." He closed the door and walked into the kitchen

"Tea? Coffee?" He questioned

"Tea will be fine! Hey, why are there two stone cold coffees in here?" I looked and felt them. They felt like ice.

"Oh, er, Rythian came in this morning." He was obviously edgy for some reason. It made me suspicious, but I put the worst scenarios to the back of my head. Duncan came in with two teas, a pot of milk and a pot of sugar.

"That was quick" I mention, pouring some milk into my tea and stirring it around

"Well, I have created a machine to create cups of tea and coffee. So I don't have to" He laughed. He was a very lazy man when it came to doing chores etc, but not when it came to creating machines to do chores etc.

"You said Rythian came this morning. What happened?" I ask worriedly

"I don't know. I turned my back, and when I turned around again, he was on the floor with a pool of dark purple liquid. I assumed it was Enderblood and alerted the guards. His Screaming Blade was just lying on the floor next to him" Duncan looked quizzical, and I knew the look. Rythian pulled the same one when he was trying to remember what happened during the attack. "I thought the attacker was coming for you next, but I was over the moon to see you at my door." He pulled a grin bigger than I ever thought a grin's size could be, and held his arms out for a hug. I accepted the hug and he slid across the sofa to hug me. The hug lasted 10 or so seconds, and I was so happy that he thought the world of me. When he let go of me, he looked deep into my blazing eyes. I looked deep into his. I was captivated, stuck in the gaze of beautiful blue eyes.

"I... Zoey... I love- I think your hair looks really nice today. I love your hair. I think your hair looks beautiful every day." His voice started at a normal volume, but slowly morphed into a whisper. "I-I'm sorry. For what I'm about to do. I love you" He rushed the last bit, so that I could only decode it after he put his hands around my neck and kissed me. I struggled at first, but he was too strong for me. I decided to take it and react after he finished. But the kiss didn't actually finish.

~~Rythian's POV~~

"Guards, go see to the trainees. Make sure they have all their weaponry for tomorrow. I'm going to Sir Duncan's room" I marched up the stairs, two, sometimes three, at a time, and knocked. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer.

I turned the handle and braced myself for Duncan's dead body. Nothing. So I walked into the room a little bit, turning left, nothing out of the ordinary, and then right. There I saw Zoey's vibrant red hair, and saw Zoey's perfect little face, and then Zoey's lips. Which were touching Duncans. I suddenly remembered the whole morning perfectly. Duncan tried to kill me to be with Zoey. He mustn't of heard I was alive. Fury built up inside every cell in my body, and I ran towards the two of them. I furiously grabbed Duncan's collar, and slammed him into the nearest wall. He looked petrified

"What did I say?! I said it's okay as long as nothing happens! Now look, you're kissing Zoey, and she isn't doing anything!" I bellowed down his ear, and sent a quick, saddened look towards Zoey. She was crying. I stopped and explained "Anything else that I see will be stopped. If you so much as touch her lips, you are dead." I walked out and sent one last hurt look Zoey's way.

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