Chapter Four (THE ACCIDENT!)

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(Pic of Aliyah's mom on the top)                 The next morning I woke up, surprisingly early, but for some reason I had this strange feeling in me that something big was going to hapoen, I brushed it off and went to get ready for school. Then I went downstairs and saw my mom and Aminah, both who are early birds, sometimes Aminah comes to my house for breakfast my mom and her get along really well.But then again my mom gets along with almost anybody."Assalamualaikum" I said to both of them. "Walaikumassalam"they both replied. "What a pleasant surprise, Aliyah, your awake early. mom said. "I'd call it a miracle, Aunty Amara."Aminah said."Hey, just blc I'm a heavy sleeper doesn't mean I can't get up early." I said. We all laughed and ate, then we sat in Aminah's car to go to school. I love her car it's a Black Altima, which is one of my favorite cars."Ok I'm ready I said. I didn't feel like putting on my seat belt since the school was only twenty five minutes away. It was raining so the road was kind of slippery.  And Aminah hates that since it gets hard to drive. We were at the light intersection and then the light turned green, at the same moment a white car which was coming in our direction  bit in a other lane came right in front of us and we crashed and Aminah's car rolled upside down causing me to bang my head and tumble everywhere since I didn't have a seat belt on. Then I felt the car stop and I felt something warm on my head, and if felt like there was a lot of it, I touched it and I saw blood the last thing I remember is Aminah screaming and then I blacked out, the last words I heard were from Aminah screaming "Aliyah get up!!!"

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