Knock-turn Alley

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*Pandora's POV* ~ Fifth year~

"MUM!" i shouted from my bedroom, hoping she would hear me because i am in no position to get up and walk into the lounge room. I sprawled across my bed and closed my eyes while shouting 'MUM' again and again and again.

Today mum and i were going to Knock-turn Alley to buy my stuff for Hogwarts that was starting in 2 weeks when the school holidays would end.


I honestly can't wait! New school, new life, new friends! Mum always said that Beauxbatons was a dump. But then again, she always hated Hogwarts because she had enemies there. Dumbledork, Scarface, Weaselbee and Ms Mudblood.

Staying at home was a bore, mum always had meetings to go to with the Dark lord. Our family was in high favor since we followed his instructions well. As for my dad, he is still in Azkaban, he couldn't escape but my mum did. She said that he will get out soon, but that is highly unlikely. Azkaban is hard to escape from.

While she was at the meetings, only said for me to not leave my room and stay alert. HA! Like that would ever happen... Already 3 people had broken in and had tried to kill me while i was sleeping! Thank Merlin i have strong house elves...

But today, i'm actually going out for a change! And whats even better is that i can spend time with my cousin and uncle, Draco and Lucius Malfoy. It's been so much time since I've seen my cousin! We have so much in common, for example, how hate for mud bloods and muggles. Ugh, those filthy people disgust me...

And also the hatred for that boy, Harry Potter! He's the most selfish, brass necked, dumb swaggering peacock I've ever met! He makes me sick, him and his bigheaded, sinister friends. That good for nothing scumbag Ron Weasly and that rude, demented dickhead named Hermione Granger...

At least that's what my family believes... Our family has always hated Mudbloods, especially those in Gryffindor house... ugh

Talking about my family, I was adopted because my mother found me on the street one night. So that makes me the odd one out. I don't look like ANY of my relatives. Not mum or any member of the Malfoy family.

"PANDY, HONEY! COME DOWNSTAIRS!" My mum called, interrupting my thoughts, but i didn't answer. I just stared out the window, cooped up in my own mind to move.

"PANDORA LAMIA LESTANGE! YOU GET DOWN THIS INSTANT! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" She shouted, much louder than last time. I grabbed my things and hurried down the stairs to see my mother who was holding floo powder in her hand.

"Come on now, take some." She said as she dumped a whole lot of powder in my hand. I nodded and went over to the fireplace.

"I'm meet you down there, sweets" She said in her wonky high pitched voice as a crooked smile formed on her face. I smiled back and stood up straight. 'Knock-turn Alley' i shouted loud and clear before dropping the powder and disappearing from our Manor.

I looked around me, trying to find Draco and my uncle. Hoping they would have came here already and that I'm not standing around like an idiot who lost her pet toad.

"Hey NumNuts!" Someone said in a voice i recognized. Draco!

"COUSIN! It's been 3 years since i have last seen you!" I chuckled as i looked at his features. "So you have decided not to slick back your hair anymore? Wow! It actually suits you." I said ruffling his fringe.

"hey hey HEY! Watch the hair! It took me 2 hours..." He said as he brushed his fringe down and parted it in the middle to emphasis his hair line. I chuckled and looked over his shoulder to see my uncle standing there talking to my mother who i hadn't realized, already has arrived.

"Uncle Lucius!" I shouted over Draco's shoulder and i ran over to stand next to my mother. Lucius looked down at me and i saw a very small smile form on his lips.

"Ah Pandora! Long time, no see... You look rather different." He said studying my facial features while Draco appeared next to his father.

"Yes, I know! She is becoming a very beautiful witch... like me!" My mother said proudly while leaning over to fix my hair and licked her finger to wipe off some floo powder that had seemed to get on my face.

"Well, like they always say, like Mother like Daughter" Lucius said while smiling at my mother and I, as we smirked and looked at each other.

"Oh Draco! My darling boy, how have you been!" My mother said as she went over to Draco and hugged him from behind while circling him. Probably examining his new look.

"I've been doing wonderfully Aunt Bellatrix." He said formally. My mother smirked and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Spoken like a true gentleman! Oh, Draco, can i have a word with you? Privately." She said, making her last word stern as she looked at me and Lucius.

"No problem, Aunt Bellatrix" Draco said as she took him to the side.

"Guess you and i should go into 'Madam Malkin's- Robes for all occasions', we could take a look at some robes for your school." Lucius had said to me while i watched my mother and Draco walk off into a dark alleyway. I nodded.

"I think that's a great idea, Uncle Lucius" I said as i smiled.

*Draco's POV*

"Draco! Look at me and tell me the truth!" My Aunt whisper shouted to me while grabbing my shoulders and desperately moved them back and forth. "Did you tell Pandora about her real parents? Just tell me if you have!"

"Aunt Bellatrix, i haven't! I swear!" I said as i tried to calm her down, she looked like she could just burst into flames. Her curls came in front of her face as she looked into my eyes and tried to make out for herself if i had told Pandora. Jeez! Is this woman bipolar?

"what makes you think i did?" I said as i took her hands off my shoulders and fixed my hair since she had waved me around like a puppet on a string.

"I have a feeling... that she will know soon... If she knows, i will never forgive myself! I raised her! SHE IS MY CHILD AND I LOVE HER!" Bellatrix yelled at the thin air around her as if she was arguing with someone. She turned to look at me again.

"Listen Draco, i love you very much..." She said as she grabbed my shoulders again "...BUT, if you tell my daughter anything about her old life and her parents, Zadimus Theodoric Evilian and Desdemona Jezebel Evilian, getting killed by The Dark Lord himself, I will not hesitate to torture you until your brain turns into Goblin soup... OK?"

With fear glazed over my eyes, i nodded and pushed my back further against the wall, making the bricks give me cuts all over my lower back and shoulders. Zadimus and Desdemona were killed because they disobeyed the dark lord, my father told me.

"Good" is all she said before she turned her back to me and started walking away until she stopped and turned back to me with a scary smirk.

"Oh and another thing, If you even DARE tell Pandora her real name or even say the name 'Myra' in front of her... I will hand you over to the dementors." She said, raising her eyebrows as she saw the fear that has washed over my face, but i stood strong.

"What about her sister? Cedrella... where is she?"

She stood still for a moment with a blank look on her face because we rarely talk about her. After some silence she looked at me. "Yes, Cedrella is still at The National Curseblood Institute for Witches and Wizards in Australia.

I took a moment to take all of that in. I was about to tell Bellatrix that she was coming back to England but this colossal, pain in the ass interrupted me with an icy cold glare.

"Well, Draco my boy! Are't you coming? My Daughter and your Father are awaiting our arrival!" She said as she swung her arm around my shoulder and dragged me off to 'Madam Malkin's- Robes for all occasions'."

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