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*Myra (as a baby) POV*

"Come on! We need to hide her from Voldemort before he gets to her!" My mother shouted to my father, running to the basement with me in her arms, hugging me tightly.

Placing me down in the cradle in the basement she leaned over to look at me from above, her tears threatening to slide down her cheeks and fall on my face. A big blast of green light came from upstairs and she started to cry harder, i started to scream and wail because the loud sounds and flashing lights were starting to frighten me.

"Shh Shh its okay Myra. You will be okay, i promise! Your father and I will always be here for you..." She said while sobbing but she grabbed my hand and forced a smile on her face to comfort me, you could see in her eyes that she was scared. She knew father was dead.

"I'll be b-back sweetheart... I p-promise." She said while tears were coming down her face and down her neck. She let go of my hand and ran up the stairs but she stopped mid-way to look at me with a face full of guilt.

"I love you, Myra. Your father and I love you so, so much. We will always be in here..." She said as she pointed a finger to her chest making an outline of a heart. With that, she ran up the stairs. The only thing i could hear was her screaming 'Stop' or 'Please' but whenever those words flew out of her mouth, an overpowering male voice boomed over her.

"Crucio!" The man yelled with a dark voice. My mother's screams and cries filled the air while the other people in the room witnessing this started to laugh.

After a couple of minutes of screaming and cheering from the people who had invaded the house, I heard my mums small voice, she was begging.

"P-please d-don't do t-this... She is j-just a l-little baby..."

After she said those words there was a long dreadful pause, but the pause was broken when the same thundering voice started to speak.

"Unfortunately... I don't like children..." He said making everybody laugh and chuckle again, i could here my mum start to sob again.

"AVARDA KEDAVERA" He shouted and I heard my mum scream for one last time until I heard a bang upstairs as if somebody had fallen to the ground.

Not long after that, big and heavy footsteps were coming down the stairs and a woman with crazy hair, dressed in black started to laugh while walking over to the cradle my now deceased mother put me in before she died.

"Ah, so this is the child! I must say, she is a very beautiful baby." She said as she brushed her hand against my cheek gently as she smirked at me.

"ity bity baby..." She muttered loud enough so only I could hear it.

"Move Bella, let me see the child" A man leant over the cradle, he was bald and had a greenish tinge to his skin. He had long robes and piercing eyes. Voldemort.

He stared at me intently, like he found something he been searching for.

"My lord, what's the matter? Why haven't you killed the child yet?" A man who looked like he was part werewolf stepped forward and asked the grinch- I mean, man...

"Well Fenrir, It seems that I have changed my mind... This child could grow up to be a powerful witch, like her father & mother. She could be a death eater and join our ranks..." He said with a stern look in his eyes "But, if she is to fail and only become a nuisance to our dark army, I won't hesitate to kill her... In the same way i did to her parents."

"But my lord, who is going to look after her?" A man with white long hair asked the him.

"Good question Lucius..." He said while looking expectantly at the group of vile murderers that stood before him nervously, waiting for someone to volunteer to look after me.

"Well? ANYONE?" His voice boomed throughout the basement until the woman who had stroked my cheek earlier stepped forward.

"My lord, I volunteer. I would like to take care of this child and raise it to become great and powerful."

"Ah Bellatrix! I wouldn't have thought that you would've wanted to take care of a baby" He said while grinning "you are a great role model for this girl, and if she were to follow in your footsteps, she would be very useful... a great witch indeed..."

The woman named 'Bellatrix' grinned and walked over to me with a smirk. She stuck her hands in the cradle and lifted me up to carry me in her arms.

I laid my head on her chest while she chuckled. "I've always wanted a little devil" she said with a smirk.

The green man stepped forward and grabbed my arm and pointed his wand to it while he faced me.

"You will join our ranks and become a great witch. When you turn sixteen, you will have a mark right here to prove it." He said as he tapped his wand on my arm and then turned back to Bellatrix.

"Bellatrix, we need to wipe her mind of all these memories and also change her name. We can't afford her to become a goody two shoes and follow in the footsteps of her original parents or get recognized by people who know her..."

"Yes, my lord. Right away!" she said as she sat me down on a chair and pointed her wand at my face.




My chapter update scheduled is every Friday, IF THIS STORY HAS SPARKED ANY INTEREST! :)

I'm so bad at authors notes... So don't expect many...


- Emily (Call me Emma :)

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