Chapter 2

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Eric's POV

Several hours later, we arrived at the village. Giselle literally bought one way ticket to hell for the four of us. The thought of ghost already has been creeping me out. Only stupid people loves to frighten themselves to death, namely my friends.

I should have stayed at home, cuddling my lovely bolster while lazing around all day.

But, I decided to go with them. Why?

Because they'll drag me one way or another and they'll die of boredom without me.

I'm the group clown. Thousands of pictures we took since we're at our second year of high school, you'll find my derpy face almost in every of it. However, today seems to be my bad mood day.

"Hoi! Gosh Eric, stop sulking! Are you listening what we're talking about?" Roxanne clearly not pleased with my behavior.

"Sorry, haven't charge my body battery. Forgot my charger at my bed." I replied halfheartedly.

"We're talking about where should we stay at Ausburg, there are about three inns there, but I have no idea which one would be the best." She scratched her head.

I take a glance at Rox's iPad.

"Just pick the one that's closest to the Mansion, I thought it would be great because eventually we can sneak in to the mansion after six in the evening." I said as I give Roxy her iPad back.

Just after we discussed about the mansion, Jean shows up out of nowhere and shouted excitedly.

"This village is really cool! I smell food!"

"Did you just say food?" I asked, clearly interested. My stomach starts growling at the mere mention of food. It's not like I didn't eat lunch, I just eat a lot. Who doesn't love food?

If you said that you don't like food, I could guarantee that you're lying.

[I don't like food. I LOVE it. -Abby

Yeah, says Abby who eats like a bunny -Ellen]

"I swear I just smell something like..." Jean starts sniffing. "SPRING ROLLS!"

"SPRING ROLLS? OH MY GOD LET'S GO!" I drag her to the source of the smell. But, unlike her, I don't have a super smelling ability so I got a little lost.

"GUYS PLEASE STOP IT WE NEED TO FOCUS FOR F*CK SAKES." Roxy yelled. Giselle slanting eyes landed on Rox.

"No swearing!" and she begin to scold Rox for that.

At the mean time, we're sneaking out so we can get the spring rolls.

The smell of spring rolls come from a small stall in front of the tavern. The vendor is in his thirties, a little bit wrinkles but seems to be a nice decent man with a small loving family.

"Four spring rolls, please." Jean's eyes shines brightly looking at those spring rolls.

"Forget this I'm out of here." Rox's walking to the other direction.

"Where are you going?"

"To the mansion to investigate, doh."

"Okay, be careful on your way." I replied, giving back my attention to the steaming spring rolls.

I know I'm not the most supportive friend out there, but I know that Rox can take care of herself. She's a fine woman and will go mama bear to anyone she meet. She's really protective to all of us.

"Here are your spring rolls," the vendor say as he give us the steaming delicacies.

"I'll go snoop around. Maybe I can find something about this place." Giselle said, but her feet isn't moving anywhere.

"What?" I pay the vendor for the food and Jean seems to be talking animatedly to him, squishing some information as good as possible.

"I want some spring rolls too..." Giselle pout with her blue puppy eyes.

I snickered before giving her some of my spring rolls. She happily accepted it and gone just like that to wander around the village. Well, as I said before, who doesn't love food?

Jean is really focusing on her new source of interest. So, I decided to search for the inn. Everyone seems to be extremely preoccupied by their curiousity and forgetting the fact that we need a place to stay.

Munching my food, I begin to walk to the direction of the mansion. We need an inn close to the mansion.

Taking my surrounding as much as I can, staring at a random stranger when I walk and enjoying their questioning expressions have been my habit when I get somewhere new.

Every person is interesting. You can't deny that. Sometimes, you just click with random people and becomes bestfriend... or maybe lovers.

About ten minutes after I start walking, I find a relatively decent inn and near enough to the forest by the mansion.

Vines are hanging around the walls, framing a number of windows. Yellow neon sign is just above the wooden door and the sturdy brick walls stood tall facing the wind. The most important thing is that this place is clean enough to my liking. No one wants to sleep beside a number of insects or another dirty things. That is just gross.

I pushed the door open and taking a wide stride towards the counter. An old man in his forties is standing there. His head snaps up when I approached the counter.

"What can I do for you, miss?"

"Do you have rooms for four people?"

"Yes, we have two connecting room. A room with double bed and the other one is twin single bed. Is that okay?" He checks the room available in the small screen.

I nod in agreement.

"May I have your ID, please?"

Fishing it from my wallet, I give the man my ID card and filling the guestbook. He frowns seeing my ID, probably about my age.

I know I certainly don't have any criminal face. But, my face looks like a teenager and my voice is like a kid. Sometimes I give up convincing people that I'm already twenty one years old adult instead of runaway sixteen years old. My childish personality doesn't help either.

"Okay, here is your room key. Enjoy your stay. Please be reminded that you have to be inside this building before six in the evening."

The man's wife lead me to our room. Unlike the others, our room is at the attic. It's very dirty and messy. The sofa sat by the window, the vase full of flowers sat on the drawer beside the bed. The wooden floor is a little dusty but when you step on it, sound of footstep will echo through the room. God, Roxy's perfectionist trait will be revealed in no time.

There are spider webs literally everywhere and I swear I almost screamed out loud if I don't mind my manners in other people's territory.

I put my bag on the sofa and pulling out my cleaning apparels (yes I bring because I'm a little hygiene freak) and start cleaning. Spraying some cleaning liquid and wiping it with a clean rag. Thankfully, the bed is not dirty that I can feel assured.

After scrubbing the floor, I send a mass text message to my friends about where we would stay tonight. I tell them where the inn is located and demand them to be here before six. We don't want to get into trouble in the first day here.

I rummage my backpack and taking out my change of clothes and all that showering equiment. Then, I make my way to the bathroom, planning to monopolize it before the girls are back.

Upon entering the bathroom, I heard a knock from the door. Thinking that it's one of my friends, I opened it. Like any mainstream horror movie, there is no one. Goosebumps travel through my skin and I slam the door shut, praying that the girls will come back soon.

I hate to be alone in a room. It's too creepy.

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