Chapter 1

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Rox's POV

"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE! HOW ARE YOU TODAY?" I scream at the top of my lungs, waking the whole resident up.

"Stop screaming, Rox. I already heard you." Giselle said as she walk to the kitchen, pulling her hair up in a bun. She wears a long blue cat pajamas and her face is blotchy. Her dark blue eyes looked like a bottomless sea, but keeping a lot of patience and love.

"Where are Jean and Eric?" I asked her with slanting eyes.

Without asking any questions, Giselle turned around and entered Erica's room. She grab a duster and smirks as she lifted her blanket, tickling Erica's foot with the duster.

"GISELLE CHRISTINE HUGHES! YOU BETTER STOP IT BEFORE I STOLE YOUR FAVORITE PENCIL" Erica is screaming while avoiding the duster, maybe kicking Giselle several times before she caved in. She finally got up while grumbling while hugging her bed sheet and wander around the flat. Her typical morning.

And then, there's still one slumber goddess Jeanette to wake. Giselle had done her job waking Eric up freakishly well, so now I guess, this slumber monster is mine to wake.

So, then, I went. I entered the boss stage. I pulled up her blanket and hit her with a thick ass Oxford dictionary.

"ROXY YOU NUISANCE, PLEASE GIVE ME FIVE F*CKING MORE MINUTES!" She said as she threw all of the pillows she had to me.

 "Wake up you lazy ass. It's already late." I said, throwing back her pillow straight to her sleepy face. Giving up, she got up and walk to the bathroom. 

I walked back to the kitchen, finding that the two girls are busy with their breakfast. They gave me this what-did-you-do-to-her look after hearing the malfunctioning bathroom. I just gave them my don't-worry-she'll-be-fine look.

As I said, the bathroom malfunctioned. It suddenly became a concert hall because of Jean is blasting her favorite song, the Nirvana's. It's a good thing that our neighboring flat is vacant. If not, we would got a lot of complain.

Eric, who is still half-asleep while eating her breakfast, walks like a sassy hulk, stomping her feet very hard each step she takes to the bathroom and bangs it really loud.


Giselle, who found that action was barbaric and slightly annoying, can't really do anything. So instead, she drinks her coffee calmly as she read the daily newspaper. While I still quizzed myself how on earth I could spend a flat together with these three aliens.

Finally, Jean walked out of the bathroom like a diva. Her hair is wet and she wears t-shirt and a polkadot sweatpants.

I lifted my eyebrows, and as I sip my coffee, I said

"Stop acting like a diva, you're really annoying. Hurry grab the hairdryer and dry your hair, or you'll catch a cold."

"Okay, MOM." She grins widely.

"JEANETTE DOROTHY PARKER. YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO ME." Giselle smirked at that and laughed out loud

"But you're really sounds like a mom, Rox. Even more than my own mom. By the way, look at this." She said as she gives the magazine she read since like, ten minutes ago.

Eric, who is the nearest to her grab the magazine and read the headline out loud.

"The Tale Behind Ausburg. Wow, that sounds creepy. Meh." She scrunches up her nose in distaste.

"But what does that mean?" Giselle added. "It sounds intriguing. Read the article."

Eric continued reading it aloud.

"A village up in the north, known as Ausburg seems to be very appealing to the  travelers around the country. The villagers has a very strange custom that none of them will be outside their dwelling after six in the evening. The church bell ring exactly at six o'clock and only at that time. Lots of speculations came from the thoughts of the travelers. 

First, there is a strange mansion in the forest nearby the Ausburg village. The mansion is rather creepy, as it was already abandoned by the owner. It has ravens flying all over the place with numerous gravestones at the west side of the mansion itself. Investigators and forensics had already trying to figure out what's wrong with this place, but none of the answers came out since the mansion was empty. 

Two, there are rumors about ghosts around the town. The headless ghost appeared exactly at seven. An old man with bullet holes plastering his forehead appeared at eight. A bloody pregnant woman at nine and a slit-mouthed twin boy at ten. Followed by the employees that once work at the mansion until three in the morning..."

"It's interesting. Let's investigate!" suggested by the criminology student, named Jean. I'm quite surprised that it's not Eric who suggested it. Usually she's the one who is more energetic and noisy. With her curiosity and her reckless attitude, she can recommend a lot of weird plan to do. Her low blood pressure is really taking a toll, everyone can be more obnoxious than Eric before ten a.m.

"Tell me why do you want to investigate a village full of ghost? You can die there for all I know." Sarcasm dripping from Eric's lips. Jean pouted at Eric, trying to come up with a reason.

"Come on! It's interesting. There should be a reason for this occurrence. I want to know about it." Jean tried to bargain with Eric.


Every pair of eyes directed to the source of the sound. It was Giselle, standing with her innocent face, in front of a pile of big backpacks. Her blue eyes shines bright with enthusiasm. She's already showered while Eric and Jean were bickering. She wears a blue t-shirt that brings out her blue eyes, a pair of jeans and her favorite brown coat. She already carried her backpack that seems to be as heavy as Oxford's Dictionary, only three times heavier. In this case. She also already packed my pink backpack, Eric's green backpack ,and Jean's purple backpack. There's also some boxes there, filled with our notebooks, textbooks, flashlights, extra clothes, etc. This girl is very well organized unexpectedly. Usually, I'm the one who would always organized these three aliens, that's why sometimes Eric would be angry because of my perfectionist trait.

"What was that? Where are you going?" Eric's green eyes sharply gazed at Giselle's blue eyes.

It was nearly like seeing the grass avoiding the water, weird.

"What? You said we're going to investigate, so I think we'd better hurry before another investigators already arrived there." Giselle's eyes are shining brighter than the sun.

"But I never-"

"Okay, let's go." Finally I made a conclusion before I hear Eric's another sarcasm, and to avoid her swearing, of course.

"But... I haven't even take a shower..." Eric mumbled.



Chapter one finally updated, ladies and gentlemen! *Abby throws a lot of potatoes* *then Ellen slapped Abby*

It's not because of word blocks which caused us updating in a century, but it's more like because of there's so much disturbance.

So we have Biology test in two days, and when we were making this chapter, we played like... A LOT. Soooo sorry of this (maybe) short chapter.

Please kindly wait for the next chapter, and for you guys who didn't know that we have a tumblr, you're welcome to open


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