Chapter 4

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Headless ghost~~

Giselle's POV

God, please save us.

For instance, our eyes can't look anywhere but that spot, where the headless ghost is standing before. Me? Of course I'm scared and I think I'm gonna faint. I wish I can hide inside a cave or something where I'm not going to see any of these ghost. Maybe hiding in the church, house of God.

I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing the ghost to go away. Better that it didn't realize that we're here.

I took a glance at my watch, it's 7 p.m. Just as the news say.

Taking a tentative step back, I watch my friend. No one move for a while, seems like they're too shocked to move.

"Guys?" I asked, more like I whispered. "Can we go now? I want to get out of this forest as soon as we can."

Roxanne snapped out of her daze quickly while Jean and Eric seems to be still entranced by the view earlier. We can see the headless ghost is walking slowly to the village, doing some laps for a victim, perhaps?

"Guys, since we have encountered one of the ghost, I have this amazing idea." Rox finally said something.

" NO!" The three of us shook our head quickly, because we knew Rox all too well. She would come up with the most ridiculous idea ever that could cost us our lives. For example, when she dragged me to a cave full of bats and snakes in our previous adventure.

"Come on, guys. We obviously can't go back to the inn right now, right? I think going to the mansion will be as dangerous as earlier. Not to mention that Eric would faint any moment now." She said. However, Eric didn't seem to faint, she's vigorous as ever.

"Rox, in my opinion, your suggestion is also dangerous." Eric protested.

"Don't worry. I'm sure that this is a good suggestion. But, we need a high place to observe the entire village." Rox refused to back off.

"The only high surface you'll ever found here is that bell tower in the middle of the village, just right beside the church." Jean pointed at the bell tower, more like a shrine in the middle of this village. I wouldn't say no, because we need somewhere to hide. But how are we supposed to get there without getting caught by the headless ghost?

I repeat. HOW?

He's patrolling all over the village now and now we have to get to the MIDDLE of the village.

"What happens to the "I'm going to investigate that mansion" earlier? Come on guys, don't leave me hanging. I'm already curious about the interior of the mansion." Eric whined. "As I remember, the ghost will only increasing every hour."

"Well, we'll explore the mansion tomorrow morning then, but we really gotta go to the village and observing the situation since we don't know anything about the ghosts and what if the ghosts attack the citizen? At least we could observe a lot in a situation like that." Rox said that sentences like she's rapping.

"Okay, then. How do we get to the bell tower?" Eric finally nods in agreement.

"That problem, I don't know." said Rox while smiling sheepishly, like she wanted to be slapped by the three of us.

"Well, we can sneak in, right? They said the ghosts will travel clockwise, so I was thinking if we sneak in anti-clockwise. The bell tower is in the middle of the town, so we must hurry before the headless ghost reaches twelve o'clock. When we arrived at three o'clock, we could take the alley to reach the middle." I said smoothly. I don't know what possessed me but that just comes out like that.

I could see Eric, Rox, and Jean are looking at me with their mouth hanging open, probably because suddenly I popped out an idea like this? I don't know. Because when I popped out an Idea like this, they would usually say 'Where did this come from?' 'Did someone just talked through you?' 'Oh my God, God is speaking. Thank God.'

Yep, besides Eric, I'm the next target of their bully and I'm also the one who makes everyone laughed out loud. Probably waking the whole country up. Yes, if their laughter were combined as one, I ensure you, nothing would survive. Especially if Rox and Jean laugh together.

Without anymore interruptions, we make our plan in action. As usual, Rox's leading the way to the tower. Being a coward I am, I walk in the middle of the group with Eric. If there is no person here, I would've hugged her like a teddy bear she is. Jean, being the second bravest one, watches our tail by walking at the back.

Reaching halfway to the bell tower, I glanced at the clock and realized that it's already seven-thirty. Means? It's thirty minutes left before the next ghost comes out. Two ghost are harder to deal with. Seeing our walking pace, we probably arrived at the bell tower more than half and hour.

We are looking each other at the same expression, probably thinking about the same thing. We nodded to each other and dashed to our destination. Truth to be told, I'm not good at running or any other sports that require stamina, hence, I become the slowest when running. Being the slowest, means that I run at the back and trust me, no one wants to run at the back. It feels like the most vulnerable position to be attacked.

Arrived at the tower, we climb every step of stairs like we're chased by a group of rabid dogs. It feels like it's the stake of our life to arrive at top quickly. Well, we never want to die on the first day here.

"Giselle? Did you bring our binoculars?" Rox's questioned me as we arrived at the top.

Panting for my breath, I took out our binoculars and hand it to Rox to observe the village carefully. I scoot closer towards Eric because I'm not sure what to do. Being close to her always makes me calmer. Maybe it's also because I have known her from the diaper days while I have only met Roxanne and Jean during the first year of college. It's a good thing that we met though. I would never have the courage to go on an adventure like this, my life would be plain and boring.

"Hey, I've been thinking about this for a while. Why does the villager staying in the house will protect them from the ghost? As I can remember, ghost can pass through the wall right?" Eric chirped out, making all of us realizing the obvious oddity. How can we miss this things? It should be obvious or maybe our capability as investigator are lacking.

"Dunno. Giselle, what do you think?" Jean ask me, turning all of their attention towards me.


"Giselle, you're the one who understand this thing even though you're afraid of ghost. You probably know something about these thing, right?" Jean persevered.

"As Eric has said, yes. I think it's odd. I don't see anything weird today. Still we might miss something during our walk today. We should be more attentive about this village." I bite my lip in confusion.

What did we miss?


Writing Giselle's POV is probably the hardest thing to do. - Abby

Finally the chapter is done. Gonna head up to bed right now, too tired to keep my eyes open. Happy reading! - Ellen

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