Wheels on the Bus

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For some reason the song "Wheels on the Bus" is permanently implanted into Dean's head as he drives down a long highway towards Long Island, New York. It was disturbing and embarrassing all at the same time. The urge to tap his fingers and hum along to the tone is horribly prominent, so he turns up the radio a few notches, trying to focus on the guitar solo in this particular rock song.

Soon the music has invaded his thoughts and his thoughts are cleared of the god-awful song, until...

"The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. Round and-"

Dean slams his palms against the steering wheel. "Damn it Annabeth!"

She looks up in surprise. "What?"

"Where is that song coming-" His glide over to Sam who had his laptop open and quietly playing "Wheels on the Bus". Sam turns his head and gives him a half-smile. "You did this."

"Guilty, bro." He clicks on something and the song stops. "This trip is boring."

"Look up cases or something. Laptops are the thing of the future, they have everything."

"And I don't have wifi."

Dean glances at him, "You have that song saved to your computer?" Annabeth snorts as Dean cracks a grin.

"It was free." Sam says, holding his head high. "I have no regrets."

Dean shakes his head, smiling fondly. Kid brothers.. he thinks. As he readjusts his hands on the wheel he spots something flying in his review mirror.

"Hey Sam, look out your wind-"

A sound resembling fingernails on a chalkboard, rings out piercing their ears, and causing Dean to momentarily lose control of the wheel for a second.

Sam shuts his laptop, rolling down the window. "What the hell was that?"

Dean glances behind him to see Annabeth looking pale as a ghost. "A Caucasian Eagle."

Dean slaps his hands on the wheels, peering through his side mirrors. "This isn't the time to be racist Annabeth."

"No you brainless moron. It's from the Mount Caucus." Her stormy eyes, looking outside the window. "We should be safe in the car. The question is, why is it attacking-"

A screeching sound comes from the top of the car and the sound of glass shattering as a talon pierces the window next to Dean's head.

He spits out a few curse words before, pulling over on the side of the road, he looks around at the cars passing them in disbelief. "How are they not seeing this?"

Annabeth appears grave. "The Mist." Sam turns to her, raising an eyebrow. "It's this force that hides all the paranormal things that humans can't understand from them."

Dean pauses, poking his fingers through the hole the eagle had made being careful of the jagged edges. "Comforting."

"And, uh, also. How can we see these things?" Sam eyes, following the eagle as it circles high in the sky.

Annabeth lifts her shoulders. "You guys must both have The Sight."

Dean nods sarcastically. "Perfect explanation. But the really necessary question is...how do we kill it?"


She lifts up her sleeve and slides out her knife from the sheath on her arm. "With this."

Dean and Sam frown at the knife. "Compared to that thing, your knife is a toothpick." Dean says as Annabeth grins.

"Watch and learn fellas."

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