The "Tour"

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Annabeth grins as an exuberant Dean and wearisome Sam break apart from the group and follow Drew on one of her Camp Half-Blood tours that she can only find time to give to new male campers. No one seems to know what happens on these tours and Annabeth isn't sure she wants to know. Her eyes catch on Sam's retreating back and she frowns.  So far no one been able to sense the awkwardness surrounding the two of them and she wants to keep it that way. Sam would be leaving soon and everything would shift back to its usual grand normalcy. 

She feels muscular arms fold around her waist and jolts from thoughts of Sam as the scent of fresh seaweed drifts into her nostrils. Annabeth leans into Percy's chest enjoying the warm feeling of him. He was hers, she was his.

"You know I missed you, Wise Girl?" He whispers into her ear, his breath tickling her neck. "You'll have to tell me everything that's happen."

Annabeth breath catches before she nods. "Of course, Percy. But I handled it fine."

Percy chuckles, nuzzling her neck. "That hubris will be death of you." 

She breaks free of his hold, but grasps his hands as she faces him. "I'm still alive aren't I?" 

"Not the point and also not the time to be bickering." Percy says. "I haven't seen you in days. What do you want to do?"

She sighs running a tan hand through her blonde hair, "I really want a shower." His eyebrow quirks up and she smirks releasing his hands. "That wasn't an invitation Percy."

He leans in, pressing a quick kiss on her lips. "I'll sea you afterwards then." He says onto her mouth and Annabeth smiles. 

"You know your puns ruin the mood sometimes?"

"Well, I'll be shore to try to refrain."

"Gods Percy."

Drew and Dean have disappeared into the woods behind the cabins after twenty minutes of waving around her hands in general directions and saying vague things like food place, bathrooms, cabins, and giant rock wall. Honestly if he wanted to molested by someone's eyes for a quarter of an hour he would have gone to a male strip club. He'd kept looking to see if his fly was undone on something with the amount of glances he was getting down there. Drew had something about this area only being able to be viewed by two people, no one believed her but Dean was glad to go and Sam was happy to see her go. 

"I didn't offer you guys a change of clothes, I'm many will appreciate you guys taking a shower." Sam turns to see Annabeth approaching with a couple of orange shirts and some worn jeans in her arms, her stormy eyes seem to look past him and around the woods behind him. "Dean and Drew?"

"Took a detour." Sam says taking the clothes from her. "Thanks."

They stand there, a healthy distance apart, but not looking at each other. It wasn't exactly a tense silence but it didn't quite feel friendly either. Sam glances at her and sees her looking at him, but not like person, like an architectural design or something. He feels as if he's being analyzed, critiqued in some way. 

"Do you ever wish you could wipe the world's slate clean and create it from new?" 

Sam starts, taken aback by the question. "Well, I - you mean being a god?"

Annabeth snorts, "Gods no. I could do it better than any of the gods could, save my mother perhaps."

He frowns, still taken aback by the way these people spoke of gods and goddesses with as much certainty as saying the sky was blue. It was almost cultist, these people claiming to be the sons and daughters of these deities.

"I think we could create a better world." She says quietly and Sam realizes she's become a bit lost in thought.

Does she mean me and her? Sam wonders, tilting his head at her. Perhaps she means her brothers and sisters? The campers? 

"I've only thought about doing what I can humanly do to create a better world." He admits. "Wiping the slate clean seems...drastic." 

"Obviously it's drastic." She almost snaps. "How do you expect to change the world without being drastic? You can't." There's a long pause, mostly because Sam is struck to silence. "The human life span is so aggravatingly short. You don't know what I'd give to be immortal. To have all the time in the world to make it better."

Sam lips twitch. "Humans don't really have that option."

"Percy did." Sam blinks. "He gave it up for me in part."

"Would you have done the same?" 

Annabeth's eyes seemed to darken as she paused. Sam could only look at her and think of the quiet before the storm.

"We were sixteen years old." Sam waits patiently. "Giving up immortality for your significant other at doesn't make sense logically."

"Are you saying no?" 

"I'm saying that was something only Percy Jackson would do. And maybe that's why I love him."

Sam crosses his arms, confused by the turn of events this conversation took. "I don't understand."

"You wouldn't. I came here to tell you that Chiron wants you to stay for Capture the Flag." 

"And that is?"

Annabeth smiles, her eyes lighting up. "You'll see."

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