Camp Half-Blood

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The was beautiful. 

Sam's eyes scan the horizon as they step closer, the lush grass turning into a dirt path into the camp as the sign announcing "Camp Half-Blood" hangs overhead. There was a row of twelve cabins in the distance along with more cabins in a disorganized manner behind those twelve. A large house looms off to the side along with what looks like a dining pavilion. Woods extend far back deeper into the camp along with a gigantic rock climbing wall. 

Campers mill around everywhere, some aimlessly while other seem to walk with purpose in their gait. No matter how they walk, every one of them either wave or exchange words with Percy and Annabeth who walk ahead of Sam, Dean, and Clarissa. 

They must be important here, Sam thinks as he observes their behavior, and Annabeth seems happier than ever. It was true. Her shoulder had loosened and her frown has been replaced with a carefree smile with her hand intertwined with Percy's. Clarissa was saying something and Dean was listening but Sam just feels numb in this new place. It looks great but he misses Castiel, his Taurus, and just spending time with his dumbass brother in their car. Just them.

"Annabeth!" A warm voice calls out from near the large house. "Percy and Clarissa, you've returned...and with campers?" An older man begins to walk over a hill only to expose from the waist down his body is off a white stallion. Sam eyes widen as he takes in the man...the centaur.

Percy grins turning to face Sam and Dean, "More like guests Chiron. This is..."

"Sam and Dean Winchester." Sam says recovering and grasping the man's warm hand.

"These two look a bit old to be campers indeed." The man smiles. "What is the purpose your visit young men?"

"I actually suggested they come," Percy says, "these two saved Annabeth's life." 

Annabeth looks mildly offended with that wording and looks like she's about to say something particularly incriminating but Dean gets there first.

"It was no issue, us boys love saving damsels in distress. Right Sammy?" 

Jesus Dean. Sam rubs a hand down his face and smiles. "This is a really nice camp sir. I assume this is a haven for the half-bloods?"

"One of many yes. We just specialize in the Greek aspect of half-bloods. I could ask one of our campers to give you two a tour." Chiron says.

Before Sam can come up with an excuse, Dean says, "Yes! And on an unrelated note, is the tour guide one of those Aphrodite campers?"

"Actually, I'm sure Drew from the Aphrodite cabin will take you on a tour," Percy says, "she has absolutely nothing to do with her time."

Annabeth snorts, "Gods Percy, that's cruel."

"No, no. She's a nice gal, you'll have fun." Percy says even though he appears to be holding back laughter. "Lemme go get her."

Dean looks unfazed turning to Sam and giving him a wink and thumbs up. Though Sam feels uneasy, especially with Clarissa and Annabeth exchanging mischievous looks with each other. And especially when twenty minutes later an extremely attractive Asian girl sashays up a hill wearing four inch heels and about ten bracelets, her face perfect makeup and equally perfect hair at odds with camp and the campers and everything else.

"I came as soon as could hon. But once I heard their were new boys at camp I had to make sure I looked decent." The perfect lady says, stopping in front of them in what could only be a model pose. Her eyes land on Dean and her slightly exasperated face transforms into a sultry grin. 

Sam glances at Dean who looks confused. "I'm Dean and this is Sam." He says nodding in Sam's direction. 

"Drew, dear. You asked for the tour?"

Sam blinks. That's the most innuendo he's ever heard thrown into the word "tour" in his entire life. He hopes it stays that way. 

"Yep. We're hear for the...tour." 

She turns, her long curled hair flipping in the process. "Gorgeous. Follow me."

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