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"You and Sam were in that bathroom for a damn long time." Dean notes, inspecting his newly repaired car. He glances up at Annabeth. "What happened?"

"Literally nothing did, Dean."

"Defensive, okay." He raises his hands. "We should get on the road soon, it's already midafternoon."

"I need to get to Camp Half-Blood as soon as possible." Back to Percy. She needs to get her mind focused on why she loved Percy in the first place. Sam is detrimental to her. She doesn't even know the guy. He was just tall and muscled and broad shoulders and the way he looked at her with his puppy-dog face...

Gods. It was worse than she thought. Every time she struggled to conjure up an image of Percy, Sam replaced it easily. This is unhealthy and there was no logically way to solve this. And yet there is. Just don't have feelings for Sam. Stay with Seaweed Brain, ignore Sammy. Seaweed Brain.

She opens her eyes, not realizing she closed them. Dean is peering at her from the other side of his car. "You okay? You're muttering 'Seaweed Brain' over and over."

Annabeth rubs her face growing tired suddenly. "When can we go?"

"As soon as Sam gets out of the bathroom. He must have a feather up his ass."

Annabeth laughs suddenly and quickly, shocked at herself. "That wasn't funny."

Dean smirks, seemingly proud with himself. "But you laughed."

"It was a pity laugh." She snaps, but smiles a little.

Sam appears from around the building's corner, looking grim. "We have a problem."

Annabeth's hand instantly twitches to her arm, where her knife is strapped. "Monsters?"

He doesn't look at her. "We can't exactly pay for the mechanic for the car." A smile hints at his lips. "I mean who hasn't heard of copay?"

Dean snorts. "That's the problem? I'm sure we can get away quick enough."

Five minutes later, they speed down the highway greatly exceeding 100mph and Annabeth with astonished, sticking her head out the window in bliss glee. Sam can't help but smile as he stares at her through the passenger side window. Her honey blonde hair flowing in the wind and her grey eyes, always distracted, wide with wonder. It made him wonder how many times she'd been in a car.

They'd been driving for a little over an hour when Dean let out a moan.

"Guys, I really have to pee."

"You're the one who's driving."

Moaning a bit more, Dean pulls over into a gas station and parks crookedly in front of a gas station. He slams open the door and hurries inside the gas station, practically waddling. It took everything in her not to join on Sam's roaring laughter, but joining in on his laughter would not be ignoring him.

Annabeth exits the car and mutters, "Snacks."

Sam sobers and follows after her. "Okay, sure." An awkward silence settles between the two as they stand in front of the shelves filled with pop tarts. "Uh, so what kind do you want?" Sam asks his voice oddly husky.

"Uh, um, anything's fine with me," Annabeth replies. Why am I acting like this? Get ahold of yourself!

Blushing, Annabeth reaches for a package of Blueberry, but so does Sam. Their hands meet over the plastic and they freeze. Annabeth begins to retract her hand but Sam seizes it before she can.

"What are you afraid of?" His thumb traces the back of her hand and all arguments of Percy melt.

"I can't."

Sam steps closer. "You can."

Annabeth feels her lean closer. "I shouldn't."

"Why not?" He leans closer enough to where only inches separate their faces. Her breath spikes but his seems to stop altogether.

"I don't know." Her eyes travel down his face, into his eyes, skimming down his nose, and then his mouth, so close to hers.

"So you can?"

A cough sounds from behind them and Annabeth jumps as Sam just looks pissed. Dean smiles from behind them.

"If I was aware there was going to be a porn showing..."

"Shut up Dean."

Annabeth clears her throat and then grabs the pop tart. "I'm good to go."

Sam scowls and snatches a tart from the shelf. "Damn you, Dean."

Dean looks at Annabethand smirks, but there was something behind it. "Sorry."    

When In Camp Half-Blood [Percy Jackson x Supernatural]Where stories live. Discover now